Canadian Cyclist


April 3/09 9:39 am - Para-cycling Coach Wins Most Valuable Coach Award

Posted by Editor on 04/3/09

Yesterday para-cycling coach Stephen Burke of Calgary, Alberta was named winner of The Chunky MVC: Most Valuable Coach - an interactive, integrated contest launched by the Campbell’s Chunky brand, the Coaching Association of Canada and TSN last November to celebrate coaches across Canada and build awareness of the fundamental role coaches play in their communities.

As a coach with the National Cycling Centre in Calgary, Coach Stephen Burke has dedicated his 11-year career to cycling and working with athletes with disabilities. Coach Burke has also served as assistant coach at the Paralympic Games in Sydney in 2000 and was also head coach at the Paralympic Games in Athens in 2004.

“This campaign has generated a high level of support, recognition and excitement for coaching in Canada and we are especially proud of our Chunky Most Valuable Coach winner, Coach Stephen Burke,” said Jacki Nelson, spokesperson, Campbell Company of Canada. “Canadians have rallied behind this dedicated coach to recognize all that he has done for the Calgary community. It is clear that Coach Burke has touched the lives of many people through his compassion and commitment to his athletes.”

Coach Stephen Burke was one of four finalists selected in the Chunky MVC search which generated over 500 nominations from individuals across the country.

Canadians were able to view a video profile of each finalist at and cast their vote online for their favourite coach from March 2nd to March 29th. The winner of the Chunky MVC award was determined by the highest number of votes received.

As the Chunky Most Valuable Coach, Coach Burke will receive the grand prize of a Chunky MVC Tribute Day. The Tribute Day will include a Big League Breakfast with a TSN Coach Squad member and a nationally recognized coach or athlete from the winner’s sport, along with a VIP Training Camp to honour the winner’s team, an award ceremony and a Chunky soup and chili feast. A $5000 grant will be presented on behalf of Coach Burke to the community sports organization of his choice. The Tribute day will be filmed and featured as a 30 second commercial spot to air on TSN later this spring.

The TSN Coach Squad was developed to highlight the importance of coaching and features TSN personalities who are experts in their respective sports, including Glen Suitor (football), Pierre McGuire (hockey) and Jack Armstrong (basketball).

“This remarkable coach has demonstrated true commitment and dedication both on and off the field, opening a whole new world for athletes with disabilities through his Olympic Oval Para-Cycle program,” says John Bales, Chief Executive Officer, Coaching Association of Canada. “Where others might see physical limitations, Stephen sees young athletes and inspires them to recognize the same in themselves and to strive towards their goals. This recognition is highly deserved.”


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