Canadian Cyclist


April 3/09 9:44 am - Ride to Conquer Cancer to Benefit Quebec City, Gatineau & Trois-Rivières

Posted by Editor on 04/3/09

It’s cancer awareness month, and The Ride to Conquer Cancer is pleased to announce that it will now also benefit the Fondation du Centre hospitalier régional de Trois-Rivières, the Fondation du Centre de santé et de services sociaux de Gatineau and the Fondation du Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec, as well as the Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, moving a united Quebec closer to conquering this disease.

The Ride to Conquer Cancer is also thrilled to announce that Stephen and Claudine Bronfman, François and Isabelle de Gaspé Beaubien, as well as Joey and Carmie Saputo have agreed to become honorary co-chairs of this inaugural event. We are delighted to have these prominent Quebecers on board for the Ride!

Stephen and Claudine Bronfman emphasized how proud they are to be taking part in this bold, new challenge. “By travelling from Montreal to Quebec City and passing through Trois-Rivières, we will be raising awareness in some of the province’s most populous cities, all of which will benefit from this event. By getting these communities involved, our impact will be so much greater!”

François and Isabelle de Gaspé Beaubien echoed these sentiments and stressed the need for people to take up the challenge and register. “Cancer continues to claim too many lives in Quebec. For this reason, we felt we had to get involved. The Ride is a chance for all Quebecers to join together and make an impact that will be felt across the province. There is, indeed, strength in numbers.”

When asked why he had decided to get involved, Joey Saputo of The Montreal Impact responded, "It really doesn't matter where you live or where you are originally from - the fact remains that cancer affects each of our lives. There is no doubt that the Ride represents a bold challenge but it is achievable and the objective is laudable. I believe that if each of us in Quebec does our part, we can conquer cancer."

The Ride to Conquer Cancer is a two-day cycling journey from Montreal to Quebec City, passing through Trois-Rivières. Funds raised by this event benefit hospitals across the province and move us closer to conquering cancer.

Don’t miss your chance to take on this epic challenge. Register today and visit or call 866-996-VELO (8356). All you need is a bike, a helmet and a little motivation!


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