Canadian Cyclist


April 18/09 12:02 pm - Super D Racing Comes to Ontario

Posted by on 04/18/09

Super D Racing comes to Ontario May 2nd at Kelso Conservation Area

Sirbikealot Racing is proud to welcome Super D racing to the Cycle Solutions Ontario Cup mountain bike race series. This timed event is a perfect mix of XC and DH racing, with a little up and lots of down. It’s a great race for XC and DH competitors or for trail riders who love a flow filled ride. Come out and ride with your friends in the amateur class or press for the fastest time of the day in the open class. Medals and prizing for every Super D race, plus overall series points. A race run is typically 5-8 minutes of gravity fed flow with a few climbs thrown in for good meaure. Hardtails and mid travel suspension bikes are perfect for this less technical form of racing.

On the same weekend, May 3rd will see DH #1 kick off at Kelso. Kelso is the perennial favorite location for the first race of the year with close proximity to the GTA.

Be sure to check out for more information and pre register at

Courtesy Peter Appleton


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