Canadian Cyclist


April 24/09 12:05 pm - Forest City Velodrome: 2009 High Performance Fundraising Campaign

Posted by on 04/24/09

In May three athletes from FCV, Lisa Perlmutter, Joe Veloce and Steve Meyer, will join the Canadian Track Cycling Team at the Pan American Championships in Mexico. This is the latest in a series of achievements the FCV has had in its 4 year history. In 2008 Ryan Aitcheson represented the FCV and Ontario at the World Junior Cycling Championships in South Africa. In addition, Team Ontario collected 4 Gold, 12 Silver, and 6 Bronze medals at the Canadian National Cycling Championships, doubling what we had achieved at the '07 and '06 Championships. Ontario had little presence in track cycling 4 years ago, since then we have made Ontario one of the three powerhouse provinces in the sport in Canada.

The FCV needs your support to continue this work. It costs an athlete thousands of dollars to attend an international event. It costs many thousands more to make the track available for training and coaching. the funding we currently have available is not at the level we require, forcing us to limit the support we are able to give our athletes. Hundreds of people have been involved with the FCV in one capacity or another over the years - as volunteers, members, or participants in learn-to-ride sessions.

If each of us were to give just $50 it would ensure that we could continue to support our athletes into the future.

Bringing just one athlete to the podium at a Pan-Am or Olympic games would have a huge impact on the development of our sport. Please do what you can to help make that happen.

FCV 2009 High Performance Fundraising Campaign
Our goal: $25,000

Levels of Support:
Bronze: $50
Silver: $100
Gold: $250+

All contributions over $20 are tax deductible
Donors who consent will be named on the FCV web page.

Please download and complete this form, make your cheque payable to "Sport is Development Trust" and mail to:

Forest City Velodrome
65 Karen Walk
Waterloo, Ontario  N2L 5X1
Registered Charitable # BN88938 6868 RR0001


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