Canadian Cyclist


April 24/09 12:52 pm - Springbank Road Race Info

Posted by Editoress on 04/24/09

The 41st Annual Springbank Road Race, presented by The London Centennial Wheelers, will take place Sunday May 3rd.

Start time
Category Laps Distance
8:30 AM Master 3/Senior 4 Men 20 45 km
  Under-17 Men 16 36 km
10:00 AM Master 2/Senior 3 Men 21 47.25 km
  Junior Men 18 40.5 km
11:30 AM Master 1 Men 20 45 km
1:00 PM Senior/Master Women 20 45 km
  Junior Women 16 36 km
2:30 PM TimBit Challenge
Fun ride for kids aged 4-12
  100m - 2 km
depending on age
3:30 PM Senior 1 / 2 Men 32 72 km

Location: West end of Springbank Park, London, Ontario.
Course: A 2.2 kilometre rolling course completely contained within the park.
Parking: There are two parking entrances in the park off Commissioners Road, the largest one is at North Street/Colonel Talbot Rd. Please park only in designated parking areas.
Directions: From the 401, take the #4 Colonel Talbot Road exit and go north.
From the 402, take the #4 Lambeth exit and go north on Colonel Talbot Road.
Continue north on Colonel Talbot Road until you reach the entrance to the park.

Please note the following regarding category selections:

- M1 riders can race the Senior 1/2 men's race but they must pre-register to do both races.

- Senior 1 females ONLY (not S2 females) can race the Senior 1/2 men's race but they must pre-register to both races.

There will also be the following open for children within Sprink Bank park; Story Book gardens, playing fields and playground facilities.


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