Canadian Cyclist


April 28/09 12:43 pm - The Great Bike Tour Exhibition - From the Penny Farthing to the Bixi

Posted by on 04/28/09

The Château Ramezay Museum is pleased to present a new exhibition "The Great Bike Tour" in conjunction with the festivities surrounding the 25th anniversary of the "Tour de l'Île de Montréal". From May 5 to September 7, 2009, any bicycle enthusiasts will enjoy discovering the many facets of the bike, from the Penny Farthing to the Bixi.

Each year amateur cyclists devour countless kilometers of bicycle trails. Enthusiasm for biking which is one of Canadians favourite pastimes dates back to more than a century ago. The bike rapidly became popular ever since its arrival on Montréal's horizon around 1860.

More economical than a horse, or automobile, and more satisfying than public transport, with the ever growing number of citizens taking to the bike, Montréal now hosts a substantial network of bicycle trails. With the sea of cyclists who descend on the city each year for the "Tour de l'Île de Montréal", the popularity of the bike is no longer an issue.

Counting upwards to 30,000 participants, entering the event, this constitutes the largest cycling event of the continent, making Montreal the biking metropolis of North America.

This exhibition explains the importance of biking in the lives of North Americans. Be it transport, or sport, our notion of the bike has always been associated with pleasure. From the penny farthing, unicycle, and even a bright red tricycle which will be loved by many children, to biking permits, license plates, and repair tools for bike maintenance, all from the 19th century, more than sixty objects witness the many different aspects of biking.

Come and pedal through time!

 The exhibition "The Great Bike Tour" is presented in collaboration with Vélo Québec and in partnership with Stationnement de Montréal and ministère des Transport du Québec.


Press release


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