Canadian Cyclist


July 7/99 11:41 am - Ontario Race Cancellation and Other News

Posted by Editor on 07/7/99

Ontario Race Cancellation

The Italian Festival Circuit Race schedule for this coming weekend in Guelph has been cancelled.

MTB O-Cup #4

This race will be hosted by Ziggy's Cycling Club this weekend on July 10th and 11th at Chicopee Ski Club in Kitchener.

A website with driving directions and course maps has been prepared at:

Some quick info: Pre-ride the XC course by meeting at chalet this Thursday @ 7PM.

Event Start Times:
Downhill - Saturday July 10th
10:00am Registration
10:00am to 1:00pm Training
1:00pm to 3:00pm Downhill Race

Early Bird XC Registration - Saturday July 10th , 10:00am to 2:00pm

Cross Country - Sunday July 11th
Registration opens at 7:00am
Race 1: Beginner starts at 9:00am
Race 2: Expert/Pro starts at 11:00am
Race 3: Sport starts at 2:00pm

We hope to see you there!

Keith Peck
Ziggy's Cycling Club President
Ontario, Canada

Canadian Juniors at Fitchburg

We had two Ottawa Bicycle Club Junior male riders racing at Fitchburg, Colin Burn a first year junior, and Philippe Roy a second year cadet. Colin had more success.

Stage 1 4th place
Stage 2 2nd place
Stage 3 12th place
Stage 4 22nd place
Colin finished 5th place GC

Philippe was eliminated on the 3rd stage after finishing 12th in the ITT.

Don Moxley
Ottawa Bicycle Club


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