Canadian Cyclist


April 29/09 20:12 pm - WORCA Annual Bike Swap

Posted by on 04/29/09

Saturday, May 2nd

Creekside Base 10am-3pm Come check out a huge assortment of pre-loved bikes, bike parts, clothing and more! All proceeds go to supporting WORCA's youth programs.

Selling a bike? Drop off your bike between 8:30 and 10am at the base of Creekside. $2 per tag. Commission: 15% on items $999 and under, 10% on items $1000 and over. Remember, all proceeds go to a great cause: youth mountain biking in the Whistler valley! Unsold items can be picked up between 3-4pm. Any items not picked up before 4pm become the property of WORCA.  Payout for sold items will be on Sunday, May 3rd from 12pm-3pm. Location TBA. Please note that all payouts will be in the form of  post-dated cheques dated Wednesday, May the 6th. This will give our bank a chance to catch up with Saturday's sales!

Volunteers Needed! The WORCA bike swap would not be possible without the time and hard work donated by volunteers from our community. Come help out for the day and join us for our volunteer appreciation party at the end of the season! Sign up online.

Pass Along the Passion for Sport!  Along with your old bike gear, bring your slightly used running shoes to the WORCA Bike Swap! There will be a donation stand set up collecting used or new running shoes, and any cash donations to send to people in need. One World Running is an International program promoting awareness of health fitness & nutrition by providing running shoes to those in need around the world. Questions? Contact Erin and Carolyn Donnelly at

More details about this and other events at


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