Canadian Cyclist


May 14/09 13:22 pm - Campione Cycles Sponsors Midweek Mayhem Race Series

Posted by Editoress on 05/14/09

The Midweek Mayhem Cycling Association is pleased to announce that Campione Cycles (Calgary) has come on-board to sponsor our Tuesday night race series here in Calgary. Campione will be providing prizing throughout the season, and will also be offering deals to participants in the Midweek Mayhem series. These deals will be announced via our Twitter feed and Facebook group, so make sure you're keeping tabs there!

Many thanks to Campione for supporting this important part of the Calgary racing scene. Midweek Mayhem is a long-running Tuesday night racing tradition here in Calgary. It's an excellent venue for novice racers to learn and improve and for veteran racers to hone speed and tactics. Without the support of local shops like Campione, series like ours would simply not be able to continue.

About Campione Cycles
Established in 1996, Campione Cycles is the final version in a long line of bicycle stores. The product of four generations in the bicycle industry, Campione can trace its lineage back to the province of Trentino in Italy, and parallel to the expansion of professional road racing in Canada. We are a brick and mortar bicycle company with stores in Vancouver and Calgary. Campione Cycles remains 100% family owned and operated.

About Midweek Mayhem
Midweek Mayhem is Calgary's Tuesday night bike racing tradition. With a weekly crit series running from May to September, and a weekly cyclocross series running thru September/October, Midweek Mayhem provides novice and veteran racers with a safe venue to improve on fitness and skills.

Campione Cycles Calgary

Midweek Mayem Cycling Association

Press release


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