Canadian Cyclist


May 24/09 20:58 pm - Bike The Bruce - Road Ontario Cup #4

Posted by Editoress on 05/24/09

Presented by in Oilphant ON

Cadet Men - 62 km (Average Speed 37.1 km/h)
1 Brandon Etzl (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU17) 1:40:09
2 Matthew Hopkins (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMU17)
3 Ian Turnbull (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU17)
4 Justin Zottl (Arrow Racing - RMU17)
5 Benjamin Perry (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU17) all s.t.
6 Kyle Rupay (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMU17) 0:05
7 Joseph Toma (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RMU17) 7:09
DQ Woody Marrouch (Independent - RMU17)
DQ Jason Massicotte (Cyclepathmarkham.Com - RMU17)
Elite 4 Men - 62 km (Average Speed 39.4 km/h)
1 Johann Tritthardt (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4) 1:34:25
2 Michael Quatsch (Sepp's Cycling Team - RME.4)
3 Robin Watt (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RME.4)
4 Scott Weldon (Waterloo Cycling Club - RME.4)
5 Steven Li (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4)
6 Robert Wilson (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.4)
7 Chris Eckart (Hamilton Cycling Club - RME.4)
8 Lucas Bent (Peterborough Cycling Club - RME.4)
9 James White (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.4)
10 Cameron Hucker (Ambassador Bicycles - RME.4)
11 Jason Abbott (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMU23.4) all s.t.
12 Chris Mark (Sudbury Cycling Club - RME.4) 0:49
13 Mike Comello (Owen Sound Cycling Club - RME.4) 1:51
14 Rian Mizzi (Neworld Cycle - RMU23.4) 3:24
15 Giordano Piccolotto (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4) 3:27
16 Andrew Eckart (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.4) 8:32
17 Jeff Moote (The Hub Race Team - RMU23.4) 20:29
DNF Daryl Johnson (Independent - RMU23.4)
DQ Manuel Gaudario (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
Master 3 Men - 62 km (Average Speed 39.4 km/h)
1 Steven Baker (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMA.3) 1:34:25
2 Steve Mckee (Independent - RMMB.3)
3 Chris Ford (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
4 Rick Clavir (Team Spoke O'motion - RMMC.3)
5 Tim Murawsky (Owen Sound Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
6 Krzysztof Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach - RMMB.3)
7 Nial Fisher (The Hub Race Team - RMMA.3)
8 Mitch Bauer (Independent - RMMB.3)
9 Aldo Braccio (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
10 John Rent (A-Bikes - RMM.3)
11 Robert Massicotte (Cyclepathmarkham.Com - RMMC.3)
12 Ken Avery (Arrow Racing - RMMB.3)
13 Conrad Mrowiec (Independent - RMMA.3)
14 David Dobson (Trek Store Race Team - RMMB.3)
15 Rolie Springall (Cycle Cambridge - RMMB.3)
16 Karim Marrouch (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
17 David Tompkins (The Hub Race Team - RMMB.3)
18 Daniel Murawsky (Independent - RMMB.3)
19 Gary Weinstein (Independent - RMMB.3)
20 Rob Faulkner (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMA.3)
21 Joel Rose (The Hub Race Team - RMMA.3)
22 Mark Macdonald (Barrie Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
23 David Conroy (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.3)
24 Rodrigo Arenas (Above Threshold - RMMB.3)
25 Fred Zottl (Arrow Racing - RMMC.3)
26 Ian Chambers (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMA.3)
27 Steven Tremblay (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMA.3)
28 Gary Cluett (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMC.3)
29 WILL Hassenstein (Champion Bicycles - RMMA.3)
30 Bryan Sheldon (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMMC.3) all s.t.
31 David Howson (Independent - RMMB.3) 0:09
32 Les Pruden (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
33 Steve Anschuetz (Hamilton Cycling Club - RMMC.3) both s.t.
34 Trevor Doyle (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.3) 0:16
35 Rob Parent (Ambassador Bicycles - RMMA.3) 0:23
36 John Beal (Oakville Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 0:49
37 Marco Salvati (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 1:25
38 James Wadleigh (Speedriver.Com - RMMD.3) 1:27
39 Ed Delaplante (Independent - RMM.3) 1:39
40 David Atkinson (Independent - RMMB.3) 1:51
41 Elgar Vaivars (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RMMC.3) 2:42
42 Mark Besednik (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3) 5:04
43 Art Adams (London Centennial Wheelers - RMMC.3) 17:57
44 Sage Koh (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 19:27
45 Tom Tekavcic (Independent - RMMC.3) 20:16
46 Rob Visser (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 20:29
DNF Frank Kovac (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
NP David Chong (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
NP Jef Perry (St.Catharines Cc - RMMB.3)
Junior Women - 62 km (Average Speed 33.5 km/h)
1 Sarah Mckenzie-Picot (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWJ) 1:50:55
2 Emily Mckenzie-Picot (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWJ) at 0:03
Elite 3 Women - 62 km (Average Speed 34.5 km/h)
1 Emily Henkemans (Waterloo Cycling Club - RWE.3) 1:47:49
2 Tracy Finucane (Sudbury Cycling Club - RWE.3) at 3:15
3 Carolyn Cheng (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RWE.3) 11:03
Master A Women - 62 km (Average Speed 37.1 km/h)
Place Name (Team - Cat) Gap
1 Lori Caruso (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWMA) 1:40:09
Master B Women - 62 km (Average Speed 37.1 km/h)
1 Cheryl Rondeau (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RWMB) 1:40:12
2 Lori Kofman (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWMB) at 7:37
3 Mhairi Gilmore (Sound Solutions - RWMB) 10:46
Open Citizen Race - 31 km (Average Speed 35.1 km/h)
1 Brian Kelly (London Cycling Club - RMC) 0:53:00
2 Mike Eyselein (Owen Sound Cycling Club - RMC)
3 Robert Rupay (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMC)
4 Cheryl Madliger (Independent - RWC)
5 Cheryl Duttmann (Ambassador Bicycles - RWC) all s.t.
6 Bill Hodgkins (Independent - RMC) 0:21
7 Terri Robertson (Independent - RWC) 1:13
8 Michelle Tompkins (The Hub Race Team - RWC) s.t.
9 Linda Deha (Independent - RWC) 1:26
10 Dana Mcdonald (Martin's Bike Shop - RWC) 1:30
11 Lisa Murawsky (Independent - RWC) 2:37
12 Tony Marriott (Independent - RMC) 3:16
13 Duncan King (Independent - RMC) 3:50
14 Matt Hexemer (Independent - RMC) 4:29
15 Maya Tekavcic (Independent - RWC) s.t.
16 Tiler Fisher (The Hub Bicycle Club - RMC) 7:43
17 Matt Marriott (Independent - RMC) 7:52
18 Michael Marriott (Independent - RMC) 7:52
19 Emily Pool (Georgian Bay Triathlon Club/Ow - RWC) 8:01
20 Brett Martin (Martin's Bicycle Shop - RMC) 9:54
21 Andy Puthon (Independent - RMC) 10:03
22 Gord Toneguzzo (Independent - RMC) 10:20
23 Aimee Puthon (Independent - RWC) 10:57
24 Wayne Eckstein (Independent - RMC) 11:04
25 Lisa Markoja (Independent - RWC) 11:23
26 Michele Fraser (Hamilton Cycling Club - RWC) 11:42
27 Daryl Neve (Independent - RWC) 11:47
28 Mary Kelly (London Cycling Club - RWC) 12:11
29 Paul Oehm (Independent - RMC) 12:23
30 Richard Burton (Independent - RMC) s.t.
31 Penny Stoker (Independent - RWC) 15:29
32 Tom Hrinivich (Martin's Bicycle Shop - RMC) 16:27
33 Kathy Ciavaglia (Independent - RWC) 26:30
34 Mark Ciavaglia (Independent - RMC) s.t.
35 Alexandra Puthon (Independent - RWC) 28:33
36 Mary Dawson (Independent - RWC) 29:14
DNS Peter Neve (Independent - RMC)
NP Betsy Puthon (Independent - RWC)
NP Odon Wagner (Independent - RMC)
Junior Men - 93 km (Average Speed 41.6 km/h)
1 Jeff Tompkins (The Hub Race Team - RMJ) 2:14:12
2 Trevor Dickenson (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMJ)
3 Brandon Spencer (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMJ)
4 Avery King (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMJ) all s.t.
5 Jamie Banks (Cyclepath Oakville - RMJ) 0:11
DNF John Carden (Bikesports Racing - RMJ)
DNF Brendan Cubello (Esteemtraining.Com - RMJ)
DNF Ryan Humphries (Esteemtraining.Com - RMJ)
DNF Jason King (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMJ)
DNF Chris Balestrini (Reynold Cycle - RMJ)
NP Alex Gibson (Esteemtraining.Com - RMJ)
Elite 3 Men - 93 km (Average Speed 41.9 km/h)
1 Jamie Smith (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.3) 2:13:15
2 Bryan King (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.3) at s.t.
3 Dan Doddy (Independent - RME.3) 0:15
4 Timothy Burton (Mbrc.Org - Gears - RMU23.3) 0:31
5 Charlie Philbrook (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.3) 0:57
6 Christian Carvallo (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
7 Mark Palma (Sweet Pete's - RME.3)
8 Zachary Jones (Mazurcoaching.Com - RME.3)
9 Max Csikos (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMU23.3)
10 Dawid Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach - RMU23.3)
11 Jimi Ritchie (Mazurcoaching.Com - RME.3)
12 Matt Thomas (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.3)
13 Zachary Steinman (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.3)
14 Mark Sugita (Independent - RME.3)
15 Jason Grosse (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3)
16 Derek Harnden (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMU23.3)
17 Frank Stillo (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.3) all s.t.
18 Brandon Tulloch (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.3) 1:08
19 Scott Milligan (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3)
20 Ian Cullion (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
21 Jeffrey Mccurdy (Independent - RME.3) both s.t.
22 Simon Szymczak (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMU23.3) 1:14
23 Philip Cates (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3) 1:37
DNF David Delgado (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMU23.3)
DNF John Loncke (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
DNF Mark Cascella (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3)
DNF Adam Pells (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3)
DQ Rob Beuce (Neworld Cycle - RME.3)
Master 2 Men - 93 km (Average Speed 40.9 km/h)
1 Ian J. Scott (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.2) 2:16:19
2 Gary Serra (Independent - RMMA.2)
3 Chris Vlemmix (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMA.2)
4 Michael Cumming (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMB.2)
5 Jason May (Speedriver.Com - RMMA.2)
6 Julian Howitt (Esteemtraining.Com - RMMA.2)
7 Dean Lowrie (Team London - RMMB.2)
8 Richard Hall (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMC.2)
9 Carlo Capaldi (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMA.2)
10 Brian Kelly (Bikesports Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
11 Glen Mccrone (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
12 Keith Williams (Independent - RMMB.2)
13 Jeffrey Chow (Ciclo Sport Racing - RMMB.2)
14 Derek De Gannes (Above Threshold - RMMB.2)
15 David Enns (Brant Cycle - RMMB.2)
16 Kevin Mclean (Cycle Cambridge - RMMB.2)
17 Alex Kelly (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMA.2)
18 Amit Ghosh (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
19 Hugh Hill (Esteemtraining.Com - RMMB.2)
20 Jeff Ker (Independent - RMMB.2)
21 Chris Chambers (Team Race - RMMB.2)
22 Fulvio Mark Cubello (Esteemtraining.Com - RMMB.2)
23 Paul Choquette (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMB.2)
24 Fred Pepper (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMB.2)
25 Rodney Godard (Ciclo Sport Racing - RMMD.2)
26 Bruce Bird (Independent - RMMB.2)
27 Patrick Dooling (Cycle Cambridge - RMMB.2)
28 Mark Fergusson (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMB.2) all s.t.
29 David Starrs (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMB.2) 0:21
30 Christopher Tidd (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMA.2) 0:26
31 Marc Mazer (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.2) 4:09
32 Sean Calhoun (Martins Bike Shop - RMMA.2) 8:00
DNF Rob Good (Forest City Velodrome Assoc - RMMC.2)
DNF Richard Poplak (Cycle Cambridge - RMMA.2)
DNF Gary Fogelman (Above Threshold - RMMA.2)
DQ Ernesto Alvarez (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
DQ Michael White (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMA.2)
DQ George Hobson (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMB.2)
DNS Gary Cluett (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMC.3)
DNS Wayne Smith (Barrie Cycling Club - RMMC.2)
DNS Liam Philley (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
NP Leo St. Germain (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMC.2)
Elite 1/2 Women - 93 km (Average Speed 40.9 km/h)
1 Merrill Collins (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RWE.1) 2:16:21
2 Kaitlin Michener (Independent - RWE.2)
3 Leigh Bianco (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RWE.1)
4 Christiane Knobbe (Team Mcor - RWE.1)
5 Anne Guzman (Mazurcoaching.Com - RWE.1)
6 Sigrid Ziegler (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RWE.2)
7 Rebecca Nelson (Independent - RWE.2)
8 Paula Powell (Mazurcoaching.Com - RWE.2) all s.t.
DNF Lisa Perlmutter (Reynold Cycle - RWE.2)
Master 1 Men - 124 km (Average Speed 40.9 km/h)
1 Greg Cavanagh (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMB.1) 3:01:58
2 Matthias Schmidt (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMA.1)
3 Charlie Squires (Team London - RMMC.1)
4 Mark Polsinelli (Z- Team - RMMC.1)
5 Justin Rogers (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1)
6 Michael Ybanez (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMA.1)
7 Lorne Anderson (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMA.1)
8 Douglas Holt (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
9 Pavle Stanojevic (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMA.1)
10 Ilija Petrovski (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1)
11 Mike Mckee (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMA.1)
12 Martin Derlacki (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.1)
13 Fred Perez (Ciclo Werks Presents Tempo 88 - RMM.1)
14 Michael Renneboog (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMC.1)
15 Garnett Abbey (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
16 Kees Louws (Team London - RMMB.1)
17 Mike Steed (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1)
18 Travis Joyce (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMA.1)
19 Mike Peshko (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1)
20 Marten Mann (Team London - RMMA.1)
21 James Layfield (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.1)
22 Miguel Novo (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
23 Patrick Shea (Team London - RMMB.1)
24 Joe Torchia (Cycles London Racing Team - RMMB.1)
25 Justen Winster (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1)
26 Ed Makarchuk (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)
27 Steven Smith (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMA.1)
28 David Labancz (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.1) all s.t.
29 Francois Faust (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMC.1) 0:09
30 Gregory T. Cushing (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
31 Scott Bentley (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1) both s.t.
32 Carlos Debarros (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1) all s.t.
33 Bob Tomsic (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1) 0:13
34 Chris Kiziak (Sound Solutions - RMMB.1)
35 Oscar Retamal (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.1) both s.t.
36 Peter Mogg (The Hub Race Team - RMMA.1) all s.t.
37 Paul Hornak (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMB.1) 0:29
38 Bruce Krip (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMB.1) 0:32
39 Piers Davidge (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMA.1) 0:37
40 John Mcinulty (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMA.1) 0:50
41 Kevin Davis (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1) 1:00
42 Tony Abramavicius (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMC.1) s.t.
43 Julio Goncalves (Team London - RMMB.1) 1:09
44 Carlos Goncalves (Team London - RMMB.1) s.t.
45 Malcolm Eade (D'ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1) 4:25
46 Bobby Mrvelj (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1) 4:34
47 Shawn Staff (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1) 7:45
DNF Joe Narciso (Team London - RMMC.1)
DNF Roderick Olliver (Cyclocrossontario.Com - RMMA.1)
DNF William Kowalczyk (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMA.1)
DQ Peter Kofman (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMC.1)
DNS Chris Wood (Sound Solutions - RMMB.1)
Elite 1/2 Men - 155 km (Average Speed 43.8 km/h)
1 Jeffery Schiller (Garneau-Club Chaussures-Ogilvy - RME.1) 3:32:08
2 Andrew Randell (Planet Energy - RME.1)
3 Bryan Rusche (Dark Horse Flyers - RME.1) both s.t.
4 Kevin Hazzard (Jet Fuel Coffee - RMU23.1) 0:03
5 Evan Mundy (Team Mcor - RMU23.2)
6 Mark Batty (Planet Energy - RME.1) both s.t.
7 Devon Novakowski (Garneau-Club Chaussures- Ogilv - RMU23.2) 0:23
8 Daniele Defranceschi (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1)
9 Michael Mitchnick (Trek Store Race Team - RMU23.1)
10 Colin Reinholt (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMU23.2)
11 Samuel Bail (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.2)
12 James Macdonald (Dark Horse Flyers - RME.1) all s.t.
13 Erik Box (Garneau-Club Chaussures- Ogilv - RME.2) 0:30
14 Peter Morse (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1) 0:39
15 Justin Steeds (Mazurcoaching.Com - RME.1) 1:54
16 Ryan Roth (Planet Energy - RME.1) 2:44
17 Jamie Riggs (Jet Fuel Coffee - RMU23.1)
18 James Larmer (Sudbury Cycling Club - RMU23.1)
19 Ed Veal (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1)
20 Kevin Massicotte (Cyclepathmarkham.Com - RMU23.2)
21 Andrew Lattimore (Garneau-Club Chaussures- Ogilv - RMU23.2) all s.t.
22 Kyle Fry (Team Mcor - RMU23.2) 2:55
23 Darko Ficko (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1) 3:38
24 Justin Kitney (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RME.2) 9:46
25 Marco Li (Team Mcor - RME.2)
26 Tovi Heilbronn (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.2) both s.t.
27 Adam Mcclounie (Wolverine Sports Club - RME.2) all s.t.
28 Stacy Wall (Mccor - RME.1) 9:53
29 Ian Gartley (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RME.2) both s.t.
30 David Grose (Bikesports Racing - RMU23.2) 9:58
31 Eric Robertson (Garneau-Club Chaussures-Ogilvy - RME.1) 26:59"
32 John Stewart (The Hub Race Team - RME.2) 26' 59"
DNF Ryan Crawford (Independent - RMU23.2)
DNF Ciro Viviano (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.2)
DNF Isaac Smith (Team Mcor - RME.1)
DNF Greg Allen (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.2)
DNF Paul Telisman (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.2)
DNF Toni Fischer (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.2)
DNS Jordan Cheyne (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMU23.2)
NP Andrew Bradbury (Dark Horse Flyers - RMU23.1)
NP Jerome Bertrand (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RME.2)
NP Joe Giuliano (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1


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