Canadian Cyclist


May 28/09 7:23 am - Communiqué: Milford-Picton Stage Race

Posted by Editoress on 05/28/09

The Poll results are in... And it is a tie! 50% of those applicable to three stages at Milford-Picton desire it to be run as a “must do all stages” and 50% want to “pick and choose” which stages they race. The interesting results of those wishing pick and choose is about 75% are planning to race both road races. Conclusion Ontario riders don't like time trials.

This year the tie goes to “pick and choose”... all participants can now choose which stages they want to enter (Picton RR is only available to certain categories).

Prizing Rule Change:

Every entrant may contest stage prizes but an entrant MUST complete* all their applicable stages to be eligible for their applicable Omnium prizing.

*If a commissaire pulls a rider, they will remain eligible for Omnium prizing, but if a rider withdraws from a race on their own accord they forfeit their eligibility for Omnium prizing.

Revised Pre-Reg Entry fees:

Under 23 years of age:
$20 per applicable stage or $40 for two stages (U17) or $50 for three stages (U19, EU23)

Elite F & Elite 1, 2, 3 M (23+ years of age), Master 1 & 2 M:

Three stage combo option is $115 or $55 for each road stage entered and $40 for the ITT

Elite 4 M, Master A&B F, Master 3 M:

Two stage combo option is $75 or $55 for the road stage entered and $40 for the ITT

Day-of Registration:

Day of Registration will be allowed for all races except the ITT. The ITT is NOW pre-registration only. Pre-Reg closes on the OCA web site on Thursday June 4 at 3 pm. There will also be a Picton pre-registration at Ideal Bicycles, 172 Main Street, entrance off of Elizabeth Street on Friday June 5 from 7 to 9 pm. Please add $15 to your applicable fee for each road stage registered on day-of. Day of registration will take place at the stage's venue and will close 45 minutes prior to stage start time.

Note to those who have preregistered.

If these changes affect your decision what you wish to race and your applicable entry fee, please contact the organization directly and we will refund you the difference.


We suggest teams consider booking cottages. It is your best value.

A revised Tech Guide and the OCA should have the pre-reg form updated shortly.

Craig Fagan
Milford Picton Stage Race


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