Canadian Cyclist


June 11/09 15:07 pm - Junior Track trials This Saturday at the Forest City Velodrome

Posted by Editoress on 06/11/09

The Forest City Velodrome in London, would like to remind all Junior aged athletes that this Saturday is their last chance to meet the standards set by the Canadian Cycling Association for Junior World Track Championships selection.

Saturday June 13th, Warm-up and training begins at 1pm.  The Trials will begin at 2pm.  The time standards are available on the CCA website.   The riders will have electronic timing for the Mass Start and Pursuit tests.  The sprinters will use chip timing for their efforts during the afternoon.

The next step for the athletes who make the standards will be a Worlds Camp (if necessary) after the National Road race in July.

Good luck to all the athletes who will be competing for a chance to represent Canada in August in Moscow.

Courtesy Forest City Velodrome 


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