Canadian Cyclist


June 14/09 17:13 pm - K-W Classic Road Race: FULL results

Posted by Editoress on 06/14/09

Full  results

Cadet Men (55.44 km) Average Speed 38.1 km/h
1 Benjamin Perry (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU17) 1:27:13
2 Jason Massicotte (Cyclepathmarkham.Com - RMU17) at s.t.
3 Jason King (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU17) 4:59
4 Joseph Toma (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RMU17)
5 Brandon Etzl (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU17)
6 Travis Samuel (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMU17)
7 Matthew Hopkins (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMU17)
8 Ian Turnbull (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU17) all s.t.
9 Kristopher Ovsenek (Independent - RMU17) 5:05
10 Jacob Wright (The Hub Race Team - RMU17) 8:48
11 Woody Marrouch (Independent - RMU17) 9:35
12 William Simonds (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMU15) s.t.
13 Patrick Hennessy (Independent - RMU17) 14:13
DNS Justin Zottl (Arrow Racing - RMU17)
Elite 4 & Master 3 Men (60.06 km) Average Speed 39.2 km/h
1 Krzysztof Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach - RMMB.3) 1:31:59
2 Steve Mckee (Independent - RMMB.3)
3 Vlog Kovac (Independent - RMM.3)
4 Johann Tritthardt (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4)
5 Rick Landry (Speedriver.Com - RMMB.3)
6 Jason Abbott (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMU23.4)
7 Bayden Pritchard (Independent - RME.4)
8 Derek Hardinge (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
9 Andrew Paradowski (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4)
10 David Dobson (Trek Store Race Team - RMMB.3)
11 John Kwarta (Independent - RME.4)
12 Geoff Hartley (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RME.4)
13 Michael Daly (Independent - RME.4)
14 Chris Blacklock (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.3)
15 Giles Marshall (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
16 Graham Jones (Sweet Pete's - RMMB.3)
17 Michael Quatsch (Sepp's Cycling Team - RME.4)
18 Dmytro Mulyava (Team Spoke O'motion - RMU23.4)
19 Shaw Hasyj (The Hub Race Team - RME.4)
20 Emile Martin (Dark Horse Flyers - RMMA.3)
21 Jamie Schuman (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RME.4)
22 Mark Besednik (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
23 Dan Dakin (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RME.4)
24 Richard Ugalde (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMB.3)
25 Kevin Intini (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Clu - RME.4)
26 Steve Barnes (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4)
27 Donovan Williams (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMB.3)
28 Stephen Cheung (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
29 Frank Kovac (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
30 Simon Dearing (Independent - RMMB.3)
31 Andrew Rucklidge (Sweet Pete's - RMMB.3)
32 Chris Knights (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMM.3)
33 Dathe Wong (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
34 Andrew Chan (Mbrc.Org - Gears - RMMB.3)
35 Mitch Bauer (Independent - RMMB.3)
36 Tim Lawson (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.3)
37 Kevin Cinnamon (Independent - RME.4)
38 John Taylor (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.3)
39 Robin Watt (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RME.4)
40 Carl Ng (Mbrc.Org - Gears - RMMA.3)
41 Rob Faulkner (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMA.3)
42 Ernie Tataryn (Pedal Performance - RMMC.3)
43 Phill Vermette (Caboto Velo - RMM.3)
44 Gilles Uguen (Chain Reaction - RMMC.3)
45 Mark Mcquade (Atomic Racing - RME.4)
46 Harold Heyermans (Independent - RMMB.3)
47 Jeff Kehler (Independent - RMMA.3)
48 David Chong (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
49 Marc Whitehead (Independent - RME.4) all s.t.
50 Peter Cahill (Dark Horse Flyers - RMMB.3) 0:12
51 Robert Givens (Chain Reaction - RMMB.3)
52 John Stephenson (Independent - RME.4)
53 Mike Patte (Waterloo Cycling Club - RME.4)
54 David Conroy (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.3)
55 Ian Chambers (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMA.3)
56 Robert Wilson (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.4)
57 Jon Dumouchel (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMU23.4)
58 Rolie Springall (Cycle Cambridge - RMMB.3)
59 Robert Mariani (Independent - RME.4)
60 Kevin Oerton (Independent - RMM.3)
61 Andrew Szafranski (Misfit Psycles - RMMA.3)
62 James White (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.4)
63 Graham Page (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RME.4)
64 Sean Vandongen (Darkhorse Flyers - RMM.3)
65 Stanisler Blazel (Independent - RMM.3)
66 Roger Mundy (Independent - RMMB.3)
67 Rick Clavir (Team Spoke O'motion - RMMC.3) all s.t.
68 John De Boer (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMB.3) 0:25
69 Steven Tremblay (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMA.3) 0:29
70 Emilio Deagazio (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3) s.t.
71 Merv Wrighton (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 0:41
72 Matt Drenters (Z-Team - RMM.3)
73 Joe Tersigni (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMD.3)
74 Rodrigo Arenas (Above Threshold - RMMB.3)
75 Paul Ralston (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.3) all s.t.
76 Brandon Chiu (Independent - RME.4) 0:52
77 Brian Malone (Independent - RMM.3) 1:57
78 Mark Kremblewski (Dark Horse Flyers - RMMC.3) s.t.
79 Karim Marrouch (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 3:11
80 Scott Weldon (Waterloo Cycling Club - RME.4) 3:36
81 Campbell Macmillan (Cyclepath Oakville - RMMA.3) 5:27
82 Conrad Mrowiec (Independent - RMMA.3) s.t.
83 Akifumi Udagawa (Independent - RME.4) 5:34
84 Andy D`Angelo (Bikesports Racing - RMMB.3) 6:39
85 Glenn Blundell (Dark Horse Flyers - RME.4)
86 Trevor Doyle (Independent - RMM.3)
87 Marco Salvati (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
88 Martin Davis (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
89 Mark Macdonald (Barrie Cycling Club - RMMB.3) all s.t.
90 Daniel Murawsky (Independent - RMMB.3) 6:47
91 Sage Koh (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 7:35
92 David Tompkins (The Hub Race Team - RMMB.3) 7:39
93 David Hoffman (Independent - RMMA.3)
94 Giordano Piccolotto (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4)
95 Albert Reimer (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
96 Steven Li (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4)
97 Graham Mills (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
98 Eric Sanders (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.3)
99 Tim Murawsky (Owen Sound Cycling Club - RMMB.3) all s.t.
100 Michael Bourgeois (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMC.3) 7:46
101 Matt Azevedo (Independent - RMU23.4) 7:46
102 Sam Halls (Bikesports Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 10:23
103 Art Adams (Independent - RMMC.3) 10:42
104 Gregory Anderson (Gears & Grinds Kingston - RMMA.3) 11:31
105 Aidan Moore (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4) 14:54
106 Luc Gadbois (Independent - RMMC.3) 16:50
DNF David Atkinson (Independent - RMMB.3)
DNF Christian Huffman (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
DNF Christopher Stevenson (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
DNF William Johnson (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMC.3)
DNF Daniel Diotte (Full Cycle - RMMB.3)
DNF Will Hassenstein (Champion Bicycles - RMM.3)
DNS Dave Kervin (Peterborough Cycling Club - RME.4)
NP Ted Mooney (Independent - RMMC.3)
NP Chad Luedtke (Armada Racing - RMMB.3)
NP Aldo Braccio (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
NP Brian Kelly (London Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
Elite 4 Men (60.06 km) Average Speed 39.2 km/h
1 Johann Tritthardt (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4) 1:31:59
2 Jason Abbott (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMU23.4)
3 Bayden Pritchard (Independent - RME.4)
4 Andrew Paradowski (Midweek Cycling Club - RME.4)
5 John Kwarta (Independent - RME.4)
6 Geoff Hartley (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RME.4)
7 Michael Daly (Independent - RME.4)
8 Michael Quatsch (Sepp's Cycling Team - RME.4)
9 Dmytro Mulyava (Team Spoke O'motion - RMU23.4)
10 Shaw Hasyj (The Hub Race Team - RME.4)
11 Jamie Schuman (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RME.4)
12 Dan Dakin (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RME.4)
13 Kevin Intini (Mississauga Bicycle Racing Clu - RME.4)
14 Steve Barnes (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4)
15 Kevin Cinnamon (Independent - RME.4)
16 Robin Watt (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RME.4)
17 Mark Mcquade (Atomic Racing - RME.4)
18 Marc Whitehead (Independent - RME.4) all s.t.
19 John Stephenson (Independent - RME.4) 0:12
20 Mike Patte (Waterloo Cycling Club - RME.4)
21 Robert Wilson (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.4)
22 Jon Dumouchel (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMU23.4)
23 Robert Mariani (Independent - RME.4)
24 James White (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.4)
25 Graham Page (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RME.4) all s.t.
26 Brandon Chiu (Independent - RME.4) 0:52
27 Scott Weldon (Waterloo Cycling Club - RME.4) 3:36
28 Akifumi Udagawa (Independent - RME.4) 5:34
29 Glenn Blundell (Dark Horse Flyers - RME.4) 6:39
30 Giordano Piccolotto (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4) 7:39
31 Steven Li (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4) s.t.
32 Matt Azevedo (Independent - RMU23.4) 7:46
33 Aidan Moore (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.4) 14:54
DNS Dave Kervin (Peterborough Cycling Club - RME.4)
Master 3 Men (60.06 km) Average Speed 39.2 km/h
1 Krzysztof Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach - RMMB.3) 1:31:59
2 Steve Mckee (Independent - RMMB.3)
3 Vlog Kovac (Independent - RMM.3)
4 Rick Landry (Speedriver.Com - RMMB.3)
5 Derek Hardinge (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
6 David Dobson (Trek Store Race Team - RMMB.3)
7 Chris Blacklock (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.3)
8 Giles Marshall (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
9 Graham Jones (Sweet Pete's - RMMB.3)
10 Emile Martin (Dark Horse Flyers - RMMA.3)
11 Mark Besednik (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
12 Richard Ugalde (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMB.3)
13 Donovan Williams (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMB.3)
14 Stephen Cheung (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
15 Frank Kovac (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
16 Simon Dearing (Independent - RMMB.3)
17 Andrew Rucklidge (Sweet Pete's - RMMB.3)
18 Chris Knights (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMM.3)
19 Dathe Wong (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
20 Andrew Chan (Mbrc.Org - Gears - RMMB.3)
21 Mitch Bauer (Independent - RMMB.3)
22 Tim Lawson (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.3)
23 John Taylor (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.3)
24 Carl Ng (Mbrc.Org - Gears - RMMA.3)
25 Rob Faulkner (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMA.3)
26 Ernie Tataryn (Pedal Performance - RMMC.3)
27 Phill Vermette (Caboto Velo - RMM.3)
28 Gilles Uguen (Chain Reaction - RMMC.3)
29 Harold Heyermans (Independent - RMMB.3)
30 Jeff Kehler (Independent - RMMA.3)
31 David Chong (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMC.3) all s.t.
32 Peter Cahill (Dark Horse Flyers - RMMB.3) 0:12
33 Robert Givens (Chain Reaction - RMMB.3)
34 David Conroy (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.3)
35 Ian Chambers (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMA.3)
36 Rolie Springall (Cycle Cambridge - RMMB.3)
37 Kevin Oerton (Independent - RMM.3)
38 Andrew Szafranski (Misfit Psycles - RMMA.3)
39 Sean Vandongen (Darkhorse Flyers - RMM.3)
40 Stanisler Blazel (Independent - RMM.3)
41 Roger Mundy (Independent - RMMB.3)
42 Rick Clavir (Team Spoke O'motion - RMMC.3) all s.t.
43 John De Boer (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMB.3) 0:25
44 Steven Tremblay (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMA.3) 0:29
45 Emilio Deagazio (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 0:29
46 Merv Wrighton (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 0:41
47 Matt Drenters (Z-Team - RMM.3)
48 Joe Tersigni (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMD.3)
49 Rodrigo Arenas (Above Threshold - RMMB.3)
50 Paul Ralston (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMB.3) all s.t.
51 Brian Malone (Independent - RMM.3) 1:57
52 Mark Kremblewski (Dark Horse Flyers - RMMC.3) s.t.
53 Karim Marrouch (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 3:11
54 Campbell Macmillan (Cyclepath Oakville - RMMA.3) 5:27
55 Conrad Mrowiec (Independent - RMMA.3) s.t.
56 Andy D`Angelo (Bikesports Racing - RMMB.3) 6:39
57 Trevor Doyle (Independent - RMM.3)
58 Marco Salvati (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
59 Martin Davis (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
60 Mark Macdonald (Barrie Cycling Club - RMMB.3) all s.t.
61 Daniel Murawsky (Independent - RMMB.3) 6:47
62 Sage Koh (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 7:35
63 David Tompkins (The Hub Race Team - RMMB.3)
64 David Hoffman (Independent - RMMA.3)
65 Albert Reimer (Waterloo Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
66 Graham Mills (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
67 Eric Sanders (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.3)
68 Tim Murawsky (Owen Sound Cycling Club - RMMB.3) all s.t.
69 Michael Bourgeois (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMC.3) 7:46
70 Sam Halls (Bikesports Cycling Club - RMMB.3) 10:23
71 Art Adams (Independent - RMMC.3) 10:42
72 Gregory Anderson (Gears & Grinds Kingston - RMMA.3) 11:31
73 Luc Gadbois (Independent - RMMC.3) 16:50
DNF David Atkinson (Independent - RMMB.3)
DNF Christian Huffman (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
DNF Christopher Stevenson (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMA.3)
DNF Will Hassenstein (Champion Bicycles - RMM.3)
DNF William Johnson (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMC.3)
DNF Daniel Diotte (Full Cycle - RMMB.3)
NP Brian Kelly (London Cycling Club - RMMC.3)
NP Aldo Braccio (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RMMB.3)
NP Chad Luedtke (Armada Racing - RMMB.3)
NP Ted Mooney (Independent - RMMC.3)
Cadet & Junior Women (46.2 km) Average Speed 33.4 km/h
1 Erin Dowswell (Independent - RWU17) 1:23:06
2 Samantha Wagler (Two Wheel Express - RWU17) at 0:51
3 Emily Mckenzie-Picot (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWJ) 3:42
4 Sarah Mckenzie-Picot (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWJ) 3:42
Cadet Women (46.2 km) Average Speed 33.4 km/h
1 Erin Dowswell (Independent - RWU17) 1:23:06
2 Samantha Wagler (Two Wheel Express - RWU17) at 0:51
Junior Women (46.2 km) Average Speed 31.9 km/h
1 Emily Mckenzie-Picot (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWJ) 1:26:48
2 Sarah Mckenzie-Picot (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWJ) at s.t.
Elite 3 Women (46.2 km) Average Speed 34.7 km/h
1 Jennie Aitken (Gears & Grinds Kingston - RWE.3) 1:19:58
2 Tabitha Ferguson (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RWE.3)
3 Rachael Mirvish (Hb Cycling Club - RWE.3)
4 Carmen Sweet (Bikefit Sunflower Squad - RWE.3)
5 Erica Bota (Independent - RWE.3) s.t.
6 Lindsay Wilson (Independent - RWE.3) 7:00
7 Carolyn Cheng (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RWE.3) 12:02
8 Amanda Mayo (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RWE.3) 16:51
Master A Women (46.2 km) Average Speed 34.7 km/h
1 Lucinda Wallace (Mazurcoaching.Com - RWMA) 1:19:58
2 Arlene Marchildon (Independent - RWMA) at 2:10
3 Rhonda Hall-Couch (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWMA) 16:51
4 Lisa Carr (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RWMA) 17:07
Master B Women (46.2 km) Average Speed 34.7 km/h
1 Tracy Vincze (Sound Solutions - RWMB) 1:19:58
2 Kelly Greene (Chain Reaction - RWMB)
3 Lori Kofman (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWMB) both s.t.
4 Mhairi Gilmore (Sound Solutions - RWMB) 12:02
Elite 3 & Master Women (46.2 km) Average Speed 34.7 km/h
1 Tracy Vincze (Sound Solutions - RWMB) 1:19:58
2 Kelly Greene (Chain Reaction - RWMB)
3 Jennie Aitken (Gears & Grinds Kingston - RWE.3)
4 Tabitha Ferguson (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RWE.3)
5 Rachael Mirvish (Hb Cycling Club - RWE.3)
6 Carmen Sweet (Bikefit Sunflower Squad - RWE.3)
7 Lucinda Wallace (Mazurcoaching.Com - RWMA)
8 Lori Kofman (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWMB)
9 Erica Bota (Independent - RWE.3) all s.t.
10 Arlene Marchildon (Independent - RWMA) 2:10
11 Lindsay Wilson (Independent - RWE.3) 7:00
12 Carolyn Cheng (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RWE.3) 12:02
13 Mhairi Gilmore (Sound Solutions - RWMB) s.t.
14 Rhonda Hall-Couch (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWMA) 16:51
15 Amanda Mayo (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RWE.3) s.t.
16 Lisa Carr (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RWMA) 17:07
Junior Men (87.78 km) Average Speed 37.9 km/h
1G Ryan Aitcheson (Jet Fuel Coffee - RMJ) 2:18:48
2S Andrew Lattimore (Garneau-Club Chaussures- Ogilv - RMJ)
3B Kevin Massicotte (Cyclepathmarkham.Com - RMJ)
4 Matteo Dal-Cin (Pro Bike Pool Kuota - RMJ)
5 Matthew Gallo (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMJ)
6 John Carden (Bikesports Racing - RMJ) all s.t.
7 Sam Loud (Thunder Bay Cycling Club - RMJ) 3:23
8 Tyson Wagler (Two Wheel Express - RMJ)
9 Brody Pasciullo (Thunder Bay Cycling Club - RMJ) both s.t.
10 Noah Maccallum (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMJ) 3:59
11 Trevor Dickenson (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMJ) 4:19
12 Brandon Spencer (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMJ) 4:23
13 Preston Wagler (Two Wheel Express - RMJ) 7:28
14 Gabriel Charlton (Team Hardwood-Trek - RMJ) 8:45
15 Christopher Bradbury (Dark Horse Flyers - RMJ) 12:27
16 Jamie Banks (Cyclepath Oakville - RMJ)
17 David Campbell (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMJ) both s.t.
OTL Ryan Humphries (Esteemtraining.Com - RMJ) 17:00
OTL Colin Morewood (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMJ) 18:01
DNF Jeff Tompkins (The Hub Race Team - RMJ)
DNS Ben Andrew (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RMJ)
NP Andrew Scollard (Reynold Cycle - RMJ)
Master 2 Men (73.92 km) Average Speed 39.8 km/h
1 Gary Serra (Independent - RMMA.2) 1:51:24
2 Carlo Capaldi (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMA.2)
3 Gary Fogelman (Above Threshold - RMMA.2)
4 Paul Beit (Sweet Pete's - RMMA.2)
5 Michael Cumming (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMB.2)
6 Vernon Chant (Trek Store Race Team - RMMB.2)
7 Viktor Geimaniouk (Independent - RMMB.2)
8 Roy Zucchetto (Team Pavan - RMMB.2)
9 Richard Poulin (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMA.2)
10 Derek Koops (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMA.2)
11 Graeme Sperber (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.2)
12 Dmytry Lyeypi (Independent - RMMA.2)
13 Fred Brewer (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMA.2)
14 Richard Hall (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMC.2)
15 Doug Richards (Elite Health - RMMB.2)
16 Paul Dean (Cycles London Racing Team - RMMC.2)
17 Brian Kelly (Bikesports Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
18 Will Vandenberg (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMMC.2)
19 Chris Vlemmix (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMA.2)
20 Jeffrey Chow (Ciclo Sport Racing - RMMB.2)
21 Gregory Wellman (Project Freeride - RMMB.2)
22 Richard Poplak (Cycle Cambridge - RMMA.2)
23 Chris Chambers (Team Race - RMMB.2)
24 Carl Clarke (Brant Cycle - RMMB.2)
25 Jason May (Speedriver.Com - RMMA.2)
26 Ernesto Alvarez (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
27 Gary Weinstein (Independent - RMMB.2)
28 Fulvio Mark Cubello (Esteemtraining.Com - RMMB.2)
29 Gary Cluett (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMC.2)
30 Ryan Trant (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMA.2)
31 Robert Brehn (Independent - RMMC.2)
32 Stephan Bowman (Independent - RMMA.2)
33 Rick Neuberger (Independent - RMMC.2)
34 Shawn Cranwell (Elite Health - RMMA.2)
35 Amit Ghosh (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.2) all s.t.
36 Anthony Simpson (Mbrc.Org - Gears - RMMB.2) 0:07
37 Patrick Dooling (Cycle Cambridge - RMMB.2) 0:14
38 Chris Cavacuiti (Project Freeride - RMMA.2) 0:16
39 Philip Palmer (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.2) 0:53
40 Mike Viel (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMC.2) 0:55
41 Julian Howitt (Esteemtraining.Com - RMMA.2) 2:41
42 Mauro Rizzardo (Z- Team - RMMA.2) 7:47
43 Pierre Perrin (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMC.2) 7:56
PUL Michael Lawrie (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMA.2)
PUL Ian J. Scott (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.2)
PUL Michael Nuttall (Cycles London Racing Team - RMMA.2)
PUL Ihor Hayda (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMC.2)
PUL Mirko Gojic (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
PUL Lawrence Lim (Independent - RMMA.2)
PUL Derek De Gannes (Above Threshold - RMMB.2)
PUL Ken Macdermid (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMC.2)
PUL Glen Mccrone (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMMB.2)
DNF Kevin Mclean (Cycle Cambridge - RMMB.2)
DNF Hugh Hill (Esteemtraining.Com - RMMB.2)
DNF Donald Smith (Elite Health - RMMB.2)
DNF Rick Meloff (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.2)
DNF Shawn Benard (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
DNF Mike Vantil (Elite Health - RMMB.2)
DNF Julio Pascoa (Team London - RMMB.2)
DNF Tim Taha (Independent - RMMA.2)
DNF David Lee Shee (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMC.2)
DNF Nigel Roberts (Mbrc.Org - Gears - RMMB.2)
DNF Brad Hunter (Hb Cycling Club - RMMA.2)
DNF Craig Maceachern (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.2)
DNF Mark Fergusson (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMB.2)
DNS David Enns (Brant Cycle - RMMB.2)
NP Marc Booth (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RMMB.2)
NP Paul Choquette (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMB.2)
NP Mark Teves (Ciclo Sport Racing - RMMA.2)
NP Christopher Tidd (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMMA.2)
NP Bill Shewan (Mbrc.Org - Gears - RMMB.2)
NP Demetre Kalkounis (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RMMA.2)
NP Michael White (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMMA.2)
NP Jonathan Mitchell (Z- Team - RMMB.2)
NP Edward D`Agostino (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMC.2)
NP George Hobson (Zm Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMB.2)
NP Jeff Ker (Independent - RMMB.2)
NP Dean Lowrie (Team London - RMMB.2)
NP John Parkinson (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RMMD.2)
Elite 1&2 Women (64.68 km) Average Speed 35.1 km/h
1 Merrill Collins (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RWE.1) 1:50:33
2 Christiane Knobbe (Team Mcor - RWE.1)
3 Paula Powell (Mazurcoaching.Com - RWE.1)
4 Rebecca Nelson (Independent - RWE.2)
5 Kaitlin Michener (Independent - RWE.2)
6 Krista Ruby (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RWE.2)
7 Anne Guzman (Mazurcoaching.Com - RWE.1)
8 Laura Bietola (3 Rox Racing - RWE.2)
9 Melissa Bunn (The Hub Race Team - RWE.1)
10 Ireen Wieditz (Stevens Racing Presented By Th - RWE.1)
11 Rachel O`Reilly (Independent - RWE.2)
12 Juliana Gilgen (Beaches Cycling Club (Bcc) - RWE.2)
13 Cheryl Rondeau (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RWE.2)
14 Amy Biskaborn (Reynold Cycle - RWE.2) all s.t.
15 Stephanie Bester (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWE.2) 0:35
16 Chloe Saint-Arnaud-Watt (Team Ultralink - RWE.2) 3:29
17 Aimee Allen (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RWE.1) 12:33
18 Melanie Bernier (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWE.2) s.t.
19 Sigrid Ziegler (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RWE.2) 13:52
Master 1 Men (87.78 km) Average Speed 41.1 km/h
1 Matthias Schmidt (ZM Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMA.1) 2:08:04
2 Kevin Davis (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1)
3 Paolo Eugeni (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
4 Mark Polsinelli (Z- Team - RMMC.1)
5 Chris Wood (Sound Solutions - RMMB.1)
6 Miguel Novo (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
7 Justen Winster (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1)
8 Marten Mann (Team London - RMMA.1)
9 Greg Cavanagh (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMB.1)
10 Chris Gruber (Independent - RMMB.1)
11 Brian Lee (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.1)
12 Mike Mckee (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMA.1)
13 Kieran Maxwell (Chain Reaction - RMMA.1)
14 Pavle Stanojevic (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMA.1)
15 Charlie Squires (Team London - RMMC.1)
16 Peter Kofman (Coach / Ted Velikonja - RMMC.1)
17 Brent Fargo (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMA.1)
18 Tony Abramavicius (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMC.1)
19 Robert Chiocca (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMB.1)
20 Paul Greene (Chain Reaction - RMMB.1)
21 Shawn Staff (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1)
22 Kees Louws (Team London - RMMB.1)
23 Terrence Martineau (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMMB.1)
24 Martin Derlacki (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.1)
25 Thomas Howell (Trek Store Race Team - RMMB.1)
26 David Labancz (Independent - RMMB.1)
27 Peter Mogg (The Hub Race Team - RMMA.1)
28 Kresimir Mironovic (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
29 Michael Renneboog (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMMC.1)
30 Jeff Weber (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)
31 Fred Perez (Ciclo Werks Presents Tempo 88 - RMM.1)
32 Oscar Retamal (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.1)
33 Geoff Banner (ZM Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMC.1)
34 John Mcinulty (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMA.1)
35 Francois Faust (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMC.1)
36 Carlos Goncalves (Team London - RMMB.1)
37 Brent Aquino (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
38 Paolo Dilecce (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1)
39 Gregory T. Cushing (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
40 Joe Torchia (Cycles London Racing Team - RMMB.1)
41 Eduardo Maset (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
42 Carmine Caravaggio (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
43 Don Zuck (Z- Team - RMMC.1)
44 Steven Smith (Coach / Ted Velikonja - RMMA.1)
45 Jason Vincze (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)
46 Stirling Mcarthur (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMA.1)
47 Patrick Shea (Team London - RMMB.1) all s.t.
48 Ilija Petrovski (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1) 0:12
49 Scott Bentley (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)
50 Travis Joyce (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMA.1) both s.t.
51 Justin Rogers (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1) 0:22
52 Bob Tomsic (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1) 0:37
53 Bobby Mrvelj (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1) 0:53
54 William Kowalczyk (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMA.1) 1:23
55 Ed Makarchuk (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1) 2:15
56 Glenn Cameron (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1) s.t.
PUL John Pucic (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1)
DNF Jason Everaert (Coach / Ted Velikonja - RMMA.1)
DNF Gerard Yeates (Independent - RMMB.1)
DNF Matthew Berridge (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.1)
DNF Malcolm Eade (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
DNF Tommaso Villano (Trek Store Race Team - RMMA.1)
DNF Rino Lapiccirella (Team Pavan - RMMB.1)
DNF Adam Fitzsimmons (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1)
DNF Michael Forsdike (Team London - RMMA.1)
DNF David Jack (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.1)
DNF Stephen Heck (Trek Store Race Team - RMMB.1)
DNF James Bongard (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)
DNF Joe Narciso (Team London - RMMC.1)
DNF Bruce Krip (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMB.1)
DNF Stephen Eastwood (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMA.1)
DNF Julio Goncalves (Team London - RMMB.1)
DNF Douglas Holt (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
DNF Chris Kiziak (Sound Solutions - RMMB.1)
DNS Jason Fitzsimmons (Trek Store Race Team - RMMA.1)
NP Vito Barbera (Giro Racing - RMMB.1)
NP Siu Fung Law (Independent - RMMB.1)
NP Mike Steed (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1)
NP Paul Hornak (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMB.1)
NP James Layfield (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.1)
Master 1 / Elite 3 Men (87.78 km) Average Speed 41.1 km/h
1 Matthias Schmidt (ZM Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMA.1) 2:08:04
2 Kevin Davis (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1)
3 Paolo Eugeni (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
4 Mark Polsinelli (Z- Team - RMMC.1)
5 Anton Varabei (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RME.3)
6 Chris Wood (Sound Solutions - RMMB.1)
7 Miguel Novo (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
8 Justen Winster (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1)
9 Jamie Wagler (Two Wheel Express - RMU23.3)
10 Marten Mann (Team London - RMMA.1)
11 Greg Cavanagh (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMB.1)
12 Chris Gruber (Independent - RMMB.1)
13 Dawid Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach - RMU23.3)
14 Brian Lee (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.1)
15 Mark Palma (Sweet Pete's - RME.3)
16 Michael Aston (Independent - RME.3)
17 Mike Mckee (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMA.1)
18 Kieran Maxwell (Chain Reaction - RMMA.1)
19 Frank Stillo (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.3)
20 Pavle Stanojevic (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMA.1)
21 Charlie Squires (Team London - RMMC.1)
22 Peter Kofman (Coach / Ted Velikonja - RMMC.1)
23 Philip Cates (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3)
24 Brent Fargo (Cyclepath Oakville Race Team - RMMA.1)
25 Dan Doddy (Independent - RME.3)
26 Tony Abramavicius (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMC.1)
27 Robert Chiocca (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMB.1)
28 Paul Greene (Chain Reaction - RMMB.1)
29 Shawn Staff (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1)
30 Kees Louws (Team London - RMMB.1)
31 Terrence Martineau (Ottawa Bicycle Club - RMMB.1)
32 Stephane Marcotte (ZM Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RME.3)
33 Mark Cascella (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3)
34 Martin Derlacki (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMB.1)
35 Thomas Howell (Trek Store Race Team - RMMB.1)
36 Jeffrey Mccurdy (Independent - RME.3)
37 Mark Romeril ( - RMU23.3)
38 David Labancz (Independent - RMMB.1)
39 Peter Mogg (The Hub Race Team - RMMA.1)
40 Kresimir Mironovic (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
41 Michael Renneboog (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMMC.1)
42 Jeff Weber (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)
43 Fred Perez (Ciclo Werks Presents Tempo 88 - RMM.1)
44 Oscar Retamal (Midweek Cycling Club - RMMA.1)
45 Logan Tacoma (Two Wheel Express - RMU23.3)
46 Geoff Banner (ZM Cycle & Fitness Cycling Clu - RMMC.1)
47 Ricardo Perea (Giro Racing - RMU23.3)
48 John Mcinulty (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMA.1)
49 Francois Faust (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMC.1)
50 Charlie Philbrook (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.3)
51 Paul Mccloskey (Peterborough Cycling Club - RME.3)
52 Carlos Goncalves (Team London - RMMB.1)
53 Brent Aquino (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
54 Paolo Dilecce (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1)
55 Gregory T. Cushing (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
56 Dylan Lanspeary (Owen Sound Cycling Club - RME.3)
57 Joe Torchia (Cycles London Racing Team - RMMB.1)
58 Geoff Sanz (Cycle Solutions/Angry Johnny's - RME.3)
59 Eduardo Maset (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
60 Carmine Caravaggio (Z- Team - RMMB.1)
61 Don Zuck (Z- Team - RMMC.1)
62 Steven Smith (Coach / Ted Velikonja - RMMA.1)
63 Jason Vincze (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)
64 Ray Lee (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RME.3)
65 Stirling Mcarthur (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMA.1)
66 Thomas Lees ( - RME.3)
67 Patrick Shea (Team London - RMMB.1) all s.t.
68 Ilija Petrovski (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1) 0:12
69 Scott Bentley (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)
70 Travis Joyce (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMA.1)
71 Rob Beuce (Neworld Cycle - RME.3)
72 Chris Zuliani (Independent - RME.3) all s.t.
73 Justin Rogers (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1) 0:22
74 Bob Tomsic (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1) 0:37
75 Bobby Mrvelj (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1) 0:53
76 William Kowalczyk (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMMA.1) 1:23
77 Ed Makarchuk (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1) 2:15
78 Glenn Cameron (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1) s.t.
79 Edgars Apse (Dark Horse Flyers - RME.3) 3:19
80 Timothy Burton (Mbrc.Org - Gears - RMU23.3) 7:24
81 Max Csikos (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMU23.3) s.t.
PUL Chris Bryce (Dark Horse Flyers - RME.3)
PUL Matt Thomas (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.3)
PUL Justin Kendall (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RME.3)
PUL John Pucic (Wheels Of Bloor - RMMB.1)
PUL Brian Simpson (Peterborough Cycling Club - RME.3)
DNF Lucas Bent (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMU23.3)
DNF David Delgado (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMU23.3)
DNF Malcolm Eade (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
DNF Camilo Mondaca (Independent - RME.3)
DNF Scott Milligan (Lapdogs Cycling Club - RME.3)
DNF Zachary Jones ( - RME.3)
DNF Paul Parker (Dark Horse Flyers - RME.3)
DNF Chris Kiziak (Sound Solutions - RMMB.1)
DNF Michael Forsdike (Team London - RMMA.1)
DNF Joe Narciso (Team London - RMMC.1)
DNF Adam Fitzsimmons (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1)
DNF Stephen Heck (Trek Store Race Team - RMMB.1)
DNF David Jack (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.1)
DNF Tommaso Villano (Trek Store Race Team - RMMA.1)
DNF Julio Goncalves (Team London - RMMB.1)
DNF Bruce Krip (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMB.1)
DNF Stephen Eastwood (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMMA.1)
DNF Douglas Holt (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMMB.1)
DNF Gerard Yeates (Independent - RMMB.1)
DNF Matthew Berridge (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.1)
DNF Rino Lapiccirella (Team Pavan - RMMB.1)
DNF Zachary Steinman (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.3)
DNF Alex Mccallum (Cycles London Racing Team - RMU23.3)
DNF Jason Everaert (Coach / Ted Velikonja - RMMA.1)
DNF James Bongard (Sound Solutions - RMMA.1)
DNS Jason Fitzsimmons (Trek Store Race Team - RMMA.1)
NP Siu Fung Law (Independent - RMMB.1)
NP Vito Barbera (Giro Racing - RMMB.1)
NP Simon Szymczak (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMU23.3)
NP Paul Hornak (Cycle 4 Ms - RMMB.1)
NP Mike Steed (Norco Evolution - RMMA.1)
NP James Layfield (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RMMB.1)
NP Dante Di Ponio (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
NP Christian Carvallo (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
Elite 1/2 Men (129.36 km) Average Speed 39.6 km/h
1 Darko Ficko (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1) 3:15:48
2 Derrek Ivey (Team MCOR - RME.1) at 0:37
3 Jan Zak ( - RMU23.2) 0:40
4 Stephen Meyer (Trek Store Race Team - RMU23.2) 2:37
5 Evan Mundy (Team MCOR - RMU23.2) 3:12
6 James Larmer (Sudbury Cycling Club - RMU23.1) 3:25
7 Devon Novakowski (Garneau-Club Chaussures- Ogilvy - RMU23.2) 4:04
8 Michael Mitchnick (Trek Store Race Team - RMU23.1)
9 Bryan Rusche (Dark Horse Flyers - RME.1)
10 Jason Valenti (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RME.1)
11 Derek Harnden (Peterborough Cycling Club - RMU23.2)
12 Vince De Jong (Coach / Ted Velikonja - RMU23.2)
13 Kyle Fry (Team MCOR - RMU23.2)
14 Jon Kinsie (Two Wheel Express - RMU23.2)
15 Justin Steeds ( - RME.1)
16 Andrew Bradbury (Darkhorse Flyers - RME.1) all s.t.
17 David Grose (Bikesports Racing - RMU23.2) 6:48
18 Ed Veal (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1) 7:16
19 Jerome Samson (Sweet Pete's - RME.2)
20 Marco Li (Team MCOR - RME.2)
21 Matthew Mccartney (Trek Store Race Team - RMU23.1)
22 Daniel Maggiacomo (Independent - RME.1)
23 Isaac Smith (Team MCOR - RME.1)
24 John Stewart (The Hub Race Team - RME.2) all s.t.
PUL Justin Kitney (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RME.2)
PUL Colin Reinholt (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMU23.2)
PUL Ryan Crawford (Independent - RMU23.2)
PUL Erik Box (Garneau-Club Chaussures- Ogilvy - RME.2)
DNF Jamie Smith (Ciclo Werks Bmc - RME.2)
DNF Blair Purvis (Coach / Ted Velikonja - RME.2)
DNF Greg Allen (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.2)
DNF Ian Gartley (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RME.2)
DNF James Macdonald (Dark Horse Flyers - RME.1)
DNF Logan Cornel (Euro-Sports.Ca/ Foodery Cycling - RMU23.2)
DNF Simon Wagler (Two Wheel Express - RMU23.2)
DNF Duncan Seko (Asfra Racing Team- Belgium - RME.1)
NP Samuel Bail (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.2)
NP Paul Telisman (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.2)
NP Chris Freeland (La Bicicletta / J. Lindeberg - RME.1)
NP Eric Robertson (Garneau-Club Chaussures-Ogilvy - RME.1


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