Canadian Cyclist


July 20/99 8:11 am - Ontario News: W.O.W. Final Enduro, Mississauga Novice Monday Night

Posted by Editoress on 07/20/99

W.O.W. Enduro #10 - The Final Edition

July 18th saw the final running of this classic Ontario MTB race and tour. While the Toronto area got hammered with thunderstorms, the Mansfield area didn't receive a drop. This left dry and dusty conditions for the close to 400 participants. The racers were off first, attempting to complete the 60 km route in a record time. Sure enough, a new record was set with Lawrence Foster turning in an outstanding time of 2:52:58, a mere 14 seconds in front of Marc Freemantle. The women's victor was our old friend Chrissy Redden (Team Ritchey/Yahoo) who had the 11th fastest time of the day at 3:08:23. In second was Kim Lorentz with a fine time of 3:13:42. Junior Men's winner was Chris Reid (Mississauga Bicycle Club) with a time of 3:20:03.

The majority of the participants were there to do the 60 and 30 km tours. Quite a site to see hundreds of folks head up the hill all at once. Some of the tourists were back in a couple of hours, while others were out there for over 6 hours! Great to see the applause from the crowd when the last riders came in.

W.O.W. would like to thank our sponsors - Sport Swap, Bruzer, Canadian Cyclist and XLR-8 for their kind support. Many thanks also to our volunteers. We couldn't have done it without you. Many thanks also to the riders who have always supported this event. We had a few folks that did all 10 Enduros. We appreciate the loyalty. Once again, we aren't retiring, just the Enduro is. We here at W.O.W. are so pleased to conclude the Enduro on such a positive note.


Thanks to all of you who helped make it such a great day.

courtesy Peter McCaffery

Novice Event #11 July 19
48km 12laps

1Fernando BagnascoInd.3Blue1:21:4512
2Chris KiriakopoulosInd.MBGreens.t.11
3Ryan De BoerMississauga VolvicCADReds.t.10
4Mike KoscheInd.3Blacks.t.9
5Pat MalaviInd.3Blues.t.8
6Mustafe JamalMississauga Volvic3Blues.t.7
7Mike WatsonInd.3GreenS.t.6
8Kirsten RobbinsInd.WGreens.t.3
9Scott DoelKHS3Greens.t.2
10Marshall FrancisInd.3Reds.t.1
11Alex PondInd.MBBlack1:31:581
12Dan ThompsonMadonna Wheelers3Red1:34:291
13Kevin MitchellInd.3Red1:34:431
14Brendan HurleyInd.CADBlue1:37:401
15Doug BundyInd.3Reds.t.1

PRIMES: Alex Pond 14 points, Marshall Francis 7, Pat Malavi 6, Chris Kiriakopoulos 3, Dan Thompson 3, Ryan De Boer 2, Mustafe Jamal 1.

Upgraded to Wednesday handicap group: Pat Malavi, Alex Pond, Marshall Francis

Thanks to Lorne Thompson and Mr. Hurley for coning, to Tina Mayberry for registration and to Tina, Jeff Archbold and Dave McIsaac (coming back from a severe illness) for outriding and generally keeping things in order


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