Canadian Cyclist


June 26/09 10:08 am - Club News: Mississauga Midweek, Oak Bay Bikes

Posted by on 06/26/09

Midweek Club's Thursday Night Time Trials

TNTT June 25th, Sam Bail wins

Nice weather was hiding behind all those threatening clouds. 24C and a helpful 11kph wind from the SW were the conditions. 11 riders all showing improving times tonight at the Midweek/La Bicicletta Thursday night time trial in Markahm Ontario.


  ET Bike Style
1 Sam Bail (La Bicicletta) 20:15.0 tt
2 Paolo Dilecce (Wheels of Bloor) 20:34.0 tt
3 Shawn Staff (Wheels of Bloor) 20:34.0 tt
4 Dave Frake (Midweek) 20:50.0 tt
5 Peter Kofman (Coach Chris) 21:23.0 tt
6 Chris Chambers (Team RACE) 21:41.0 tt
7 Steve Pasquill (Bicycles +) 22:33.0 tt
8 Joel Cash (Wheels of Bloor) 22:34.0 tt
9 David Chong (Lapdogs) 23:00.0 tt
10 Charles Magyar (Midweek) 29:10.0 em
11 Merv Veal (La Bicicletta) 29:39.0 em
First time split
1 Shawn Staff (Wheels of Bloor) 10:42.0 tt
2 Paolo Dilecce (Wheels of Bloor) 10:52.0 tt
3 Dave Frake (Midweek) 10:57.0 tt
4 Peter Kofman (Coach Chris) 11:12.0 tt
5 Chris Chambers (Team RACE) 11:21.0 tt
6 Joel Cash (Wheels of Bloor) 11:45.0 tt
7 Steve Pasquill (Bicycles +) 11:52.0 tt
8 David Chong (Lapdogs) 11:54.0 tt
9 * Sam Bail (La Bicicletta) 13:54.0 tt
10 Charles Magyar (Midweek) 15:06.0 em
11 Merv Veal (La Bicicletta) 15:25.0 em

Sam Bail's split time is not accurate due to a restart
Timekeeper: Bob Haufler

Presented by Midweek and La Bicicletta
TT blog

Oak Bay Bikes Nanaimo Midweek 20km ITT

June 25th, Nanaimo BC
Weather: cool west wind that dropped to zero as first riders turned.

Men hcp in sec. actual time hcp time
1 Don Gillmore (Schwalbe - mb) 42 8 0:27:15 0:27:07
2 Stefan Jakobsen (Frontrunners - ma) 34 0 0:32:57 0:32:57
3 Mike James (Tri BC - ma) 38 0 0:32:57 0:33:10
4 Derek Steele (Arrowsmith - md) 65 104 0:35:9 0:33:18
5 Bill Hutchinson (NRC - md) 63 91 0:35:56 0:34:25
6 Simon Weber (OBB - mb) 43 11 0:25:45 0:35:34
7 Tim Stokes (Tri BC - mc) 51 31 0:48:59 0:38:28
1 Debbie Epps (NMBC - wa) 38 0 0:37:58 0:37:58
2 Charlene Stewart (Ind - wa) 37 0 0:38:11 0:38:11
Peter McCaffery- timekeeper
Dave Kenny- course set up, marshal
Ben McCaffery- starter/holder
1 Don Gillmore (Schwalbe) 84 pts
2 Bill Hutchinson (NRC) 75
3 Derek Steel (Arrowsmith) 65
4 Mike James (Tri BC) 47
5 Lee Leblanc (NRC) 35
6 Al Shirley (Tri BC/OBB) 31
7 Robin Dutton (Arrowsmith) 30
8 Stefan Jakobsen (Frontrunners) 30
9 Emile De Rosnay (Organic Athlete) 22
10 Iain Hay (Schwalbe) 21
1 Debbie Epps (NMBC) 72 pts
2 Rose Houle (Tri BC) 68
3 Charlene Stewart (Ind.) 46
4 Cheryl Morch (Tri BC) 40
5 Charlene Hay (OBB) 35
6 Sonja Efford (OBB) 27
7 Sue Handel (Tri BC) 20
8 Kim McCarley (Tri BC) 15
9 Michelle Lantaigne 7
10 Brenda Nelson (Tri BC) 6
11 Leigh Blaney (Tri BC) 4
1 Brodie Hay (OBB) 46 pts
2 Jackson James (OBB) 34
3 Curran Jonsma (OBB) 10

Jackson James had his Blue 50cm Cannondale stolen this week. If you are in any of the bike stores or pawn/second hand stores, please let me know if you see it. It has cyclo-cross type brakes and a Sun Tour derailleur.

Courtesy Peter McCaffery


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