Canadian Cyclist


July 1/09 14:36 pm - UCI Starts Proceedings Against Thomas Dekker

Posted by on 07/1/09

The International Cycling Union (UCI) today advised Mr Thomas Dekker that he has committed a potential violation under the UCI Anti-Doping Rules.

Based on these rules, the UCI has instructed the Monegasque Cycling Federation, to which Mr Dekker is affiliated, to open disciplinary proceedings on this matter.

The UCI's request is based on two elements of evidence collected within the biological passport programme: Mr Dekker's haematological profile and a laboratory report indicating the detection of recombinant EPO (Dynepo) in a urine sample.

According to a panel of scientific experts, the haematological profile established from blood samples collected from Mr Dekker in 2008 and 2009 demonstrates convincing evidence of the use of the prohibited method of enhancement of oxygen transfer.

The nature of Mr Dekker's haematological profile prompted the UCI to conduct a detailed review of the results of EPO analyses conducted on urine samples taken from him since the commencement of the biological passport programme. As part of this review, the UCI requested the WADA accredited laboratory in Cologne to re-examine the results of a urine sample collected from Mr Dekker in December 2007. On 30 June 2009, the Cologne laboratory reported a finding of recombinant EPO (Dynepo) in this sample. This result was reported in accordance with new EPO detection and reporting rules approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency in May 2009.

In accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code and the UCI Anti-Doping Rules, the UCI will make no further comment on this matter until a final decision has been made.

Courtesy UCI


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