Canadian Cyclist


July 19/09 12:09 pm - P.E.I. Bicycle Charity Event: Serving Up Hope

Posted by Editoress on 07/19/09

Prince Edward Island, August 1st

Information Poster

I've seen first-hand what it feels like to be a child who is helped by our event (Biking for Breakfast Challenge). When we can say that 1,507 more kids are eating breakfast daily throughout the year since the inception of BFBC; when we can say that 14 new programs have started up since BFBC ... these are more than mere numbers.

I see the difference that people's involvement has had in the past. Just picture 1,507 more children daily eating breakfast... being included ... not having to tower under a table and hide to eat the last piece of bread before their parent wakes up ...

These are more than just numbers - these are children. Children who, some have no choice of eating breakfast in the morning. Have no choice and some who have little hope.

I'm sending this note to convey my belief that every person who participates in this event (from the 11 km my daughter rode last year to the full meal deal many riders attempt annually) and that every single dollar raised does help and does send a strong united message.

Our goal is by the year 2020 to have a breakfast program in all schools. We have reached 51 % of our goal as of today.

Today is two weeks before our 5th edition of BFBC is served up (on August 1, 2009) and it would be great to have you at the line with us either entering the full 284 km, a custom course, a 50 km leg, or as a relay team. There are as many options as there are opinions. We have added an overnight close to the event. So, you have two weeks to make this decision to help. Registration is open right up to the day of the event but register as early as possible as it sends warm feelings to every volunteer who sees this united passion!

We are currently at 87 riders - more people committing to the cause and setting a personal goal than any other year. What if you were one of the riders who helped us break the 100 rider mark this year and increased our ability to feed the hunger, the brains, and the future of children by 25 percent more than the year before.

49 % still need our help. And we are just the community of people to make this a reality. Our grassroots passion and our belief that one person can make a difference. You can!

Individual Custom / Team Relay Options
You can choose between any number of options to participate in our event: from 10 km to 50 km to 100 km to the full tip-to-tip across PEI (284 km). Some ride a custom course and others organize their teams to bicycle 50 km each and meet at the Refueling Stations. Your ride options are flexible and are based on your goals and the goals of your team.

Help Kids
You can help children experience more health and more success in life by supporting school breakfast programs. Children deserve the best start in life and our goal is to have a breakfast program in every Island school by 2020 so no child is left behind.

Free Kids Bicycle Rodeo
Kids can have fun, earn prizes, while participating in the Cycling PEI / BFBC Kids Bicycle Rodeo. Event runs at 1 pm to 3 pm on Saturday Aug 1st at Founder's Hall in Charlottetown.

MacQueen's / BFBC Store
Thanks to MacQueen's Bike Shop (430 Queen St., Charlottetown, 902-368-2453), fourth-year sponsor of BFBC, we are finalizing a partnership that will provide riders can opportunity to purchase bicycle items (tubes, pumps, cartridges, etc.) at the event Friday night and Saturday morning with 50 % of the proceeds going to support BFBC!

Support Vehicle Volunteers
We are in need of people to assist by being a volunteer member of a two-person per vehicle support team that helps riders during the day. No mechanical bicycle repair experience necessary.

For more information, please go to

Provided by Ken Trenholm


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