Canadian Cyclist


July 20/09 11:16 am - CCA to Form Advisory Council

Posted by Editor on 07/20/09

The CCA Advisory Council (AC) is to provide a forum for discussion and advice to the CCA board and management in order to advance the sport of cycling. Such advice will be in the areas of environmental scanning, business opportunities, international developments and relationship building and other areas that come to the attention of the CCA Board and management. The Advisory Council will also be a vehicle for the CCA to engage key individuals who have made or would like to make significant contributions to the sport of cycling in Canada and who are not currently engaged with the CCA through other means.

The Advisory Council mandate is defined by the CCA board, with its role being one of providing a forum for strategic advice and recommendations based on the current sporting and economic climate. The Advisory Council holds no decision making or policy authority but rather is valuable in its ability to provide insight into matters of critical importance to the development of cycling in Canada.

Advisory Council Membership
Individuals are appointed by the CCA board. Membership is voluntary and there is no compensation; other than out of pocket expenses required for the fulfillment of participation as a member of the Advisory Council. The size of the AC is at the discretion of the CCA board but for manageability it is expected that the AC would be less than 10 members. Persons who are currently engaged with the CCA or Provincial Sports Organizations as either staff, board or committee members would not be considered for appointment.

The CCA board will appoint individuals annually to assure the Advisory Council’s effectiveness and relevancy to ensure the discussion and advice is aligned with current priorities. It is expected that membership will be diverse and include a mix of individuals representing cycling sports, genders, athletes, trade and industry. The process for identifying potential Advisory Council members will include direct invitation and solicitation of expressions of interest in being a member of the AC.

Meetings will be held by tele-conference and chaired by the CCA President or delegate. It is expected that at minimum 3 meetings will be held each year, however the Board and Advisory Council may set additional meetings as needed. Meetings will be open to Advisory Council members, CCA Board members and the CCA CEO and CTO. It is expected that additional participants would attend from time-to-time but only with the full consent of those in attendance.

Application process
Individuals interested in being considered for inclusion in the Advisory Council are asked to indicate their interest by emailing John Tolkamp, President of the CCA at A short (less than 1 page) summary of background and interest is appreciated but not necessary.

Courtesy CCA


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