Canadian Cyclist


August 5/09 8:56 am - Track Nationals: time keeper and results person URGENTLY needed

Posted by Editoress on 08/5/09

Computer help needed for Track Nationals

A message from the organizer of Track Nationals

I have been handed a real difficult situation to handle and am looking for help with it. The CCA has lost its time keeper and results person for Track Nationals. This person was a dedicated person to this and performed the same function at all the World Cups and World Championships but has been wooed away by curling. Yes they need timers too for some reason and it is an Olympic gig for him.

I am in need of someone with basic track cycling experience as a preference but with good to excellent computer skills especially with xls sheets. I need this person(s) for Aug 23 until the 30th (basically all day every day except half day on 23rd). You will be using an cycling specific software called Veloresults that will import all registration from in xls format and after seeding riders provided by officials and manually adding any last minute entries the software will generate start sheets. Then for events with heats all the way to finals with generates remaining pairings or heats based on previous heat results put in and generates new start sheets.

If anyone is interested please get in touch with me. There is also a tutorial demonstration of software to be found at Veloresults

This is a volunteer position and we will make sure you are fed and looked after to the best of our ability and if you ride the track I can say we will provide you with a greatly reduced membership or some arrangement to your liking. So if you like bike racing, know computers well and can think quickly under pressure please email me. I am away to Russia from Aug 6-16th, but will have email to discuss.


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