Canadian Cyclist


August 28/09 18:22 pm - LaBiciSquadra Cycling Club 15km Championship TT

Posted by Editoress on 08/28/09

LaBiciSquadra Cycling Club 15km Championship TT, Thursday August 27th

We had an amazing turnout Thursday night for our 15km championship TT. 26 riders made it out tonight to try and take home the gold. The course had to be re-routed and shortened a bit but that didn't stop anyone from giving their all trying to take the title. With a north wind pushing the field home to the finish it was an extremely fast night with little or no places to make up time. If you didn't hammer the uphill start you would need to push more than a 58 tooth front chain ring to keep up with our winner. With the provincial TT only 2 weeks away, Darko Ficko came out tonight and showed everyone he is in fine form and ready to rip the heavy weight belt from around Ryan Roth's waist.

Gold goes to Darko Ficko with a 48.6 avg speed on the 12.5 km course and a time of 15.26. Silver goes to IIija Petrovski with a 48.3 km avg and a time of 15:31 and the bronze goes to Ed Veal with an average speed of 48kms an hour and 12 seconds behind with a time of 15:38. Bryan Wolfe had the fastest 15km TT of the entire season and has a medal to prove it but..... was 5 seconds off the podium tonight! Oh ya.....check out Merrill's time too, I see a few provincial golds in this line up!!

Congratulations guys and good luck at the provincial TT!!

1G Darko Ficko (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 15:26.02
2S Ilija Petrovski (Wheels of Bloor) 15:31.03
3B Ed Veal (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 15:38.0
4 (Best ET) Bryan Wolff (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 15:43.0
5 Peter Morse (Jet Fuel Coffee) 16:05.0
6 Neil Hendry (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 16:26.0
7 Heath Cockburn (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 16:44.0
8 Merrill Collins (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 16:46.0
9 Rod McEwen (MCOR) 16:51.0
10 Dave Frake (Midweek) 16:53.0
11 Bob Tomsic (Norco) 17:08.0
12 Peter Kofman (Coach Chris) 17:14.0
13 Jamie Smith (Ciclowerks) 17:16.0
14 Frank Stillo (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 17:17.0
15 Mike Steed (Norco) 17:31.0
16 Joel Cash (Wheels of Bloor) 17:37.0
17 Steve Pasquill( Bicycles +) 17:37.0
18 Christiane Knobbe (MCOR) 17:45.0
19 Marc Cascella (Lapdogs) 17:48.0
20 Gerard Martineau (Above Threshold) 17:49.0
21 David Chong (Lapdogs) 18:20.0
22 Marco Salvati (Midweek) 18:25.0
23 Charles Gordon (Dark Horse Flyer) 19:09.0
24 Ayesha Rollinson (Trek) 19:10.0
25 Mandy Mayo (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 20:53.0
26 Charles Magyar (Midweek) 21:37.0

Time keeper - Bob Haufler
Film Crew - Paul Eekhoff
Chef - Merv Veal

We would really like to thank everyone who came out and gave it their all this year. Without you there is no TNTT and we really appreciate the effort you put in and support you give it by showing up and making it what it is. I would also like to thank our sponsors, the Midweek cycling club and LaBiciSquadra cycling club. We will be looking for a title sponsor next year to help out our clubs so if your interested in supporting local cycling or know someone who is please contact me about our 2010 series. The best part of this whole experience was I got to meet some great new people! This season I had a blast running the event and a big part of that was partnering up with Mr Bob Haufler! We are going to keep this thing rolling and are pumped about doing it again next year. So stay tuned to our websites and blogs for info on next season, the off season, coaching and training and what events we will have coming your way for 2010!

Next week Bob will be holding our 40km championship TT.

Midweek CC
LaBiciSquadra CC
TNTT Times


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