Canadian Cyclist


September 4/09 1:49 am - Club News

Posted by Editoress on 09/4/09

News from 3 very active clubs


Midweek/LaBicicletta Thursday Night Time Trials 40 K championship

Ficko wins gold.

The 2009 TNTT time trial series concluded this fine evening with a 41.5K (according to race. Ten racers came out to try to claim one of our championship medals. LaBicicletta/JLindberg's Ficko claimed the gold with a 44.4 kph average winning time of 56:07, The silver went to Petrovski of Wheels of Bloor with 56:43, and Midweek's Frake took home the bronze with 59:42.

4th place was LaBicicletta/JLindberg's Merrill Collins, the fastest female who almost claimed the bronze with a time of exactly 1 hour.

Conditions were very pleasant 23C, wind S @ 8kph, sky was completely clear.

This was our first use of the roads up this way, the suggestion provided by a Canadian Cyclist forum member. This was an excellent course, we appreciate the suggestion.

1G Darko Ficko (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 0:56:07
2S Iliya Petrovski (Wheels of Bloor) 0:56:43
3B Dave Frake (Midweek) 0:59:42
4 Merrill Collins (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 1:00:00
5 Bob Tomsic (Norco) 1:02:51
6 Matt Drenters (Z-Team) 1:05:44
7 Gerard Martineau (Above Threshold) 1:05:48
8 Greg Moore (Midweek) 1:06:50
9 Adam Rothschild (Independent) 1:12:43
10 Charles Magyar (Midweek) 1:24:27
Split time at 20.7 km
1 Darko Ficko (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 27:45.0
2 Ilija Petrovski (Wheels of Bloor) 28:12.0
3 Dave Frake (Midweek) 29:48.0
4 Merrill Collins (LaBicicletta/Jlindberg) 30:00.0
5 Bob Tomsic (Norco) 31:15.0
6 Gerard Martineau (Above Threshold) 32:18.0
7 Matt Drenters (Z-Team) 32:35.0
8 Greg Moore (Midweek) 33:17.0
9 Adam Rothschild (Independent) 35:44.0
10 Charles Magyar (Midweek) 40:56.0

Timekeeper: Bob Haufler

This was a good year for the TNTT. We appreciate all the support and turn out of all the racers. Have a great Winter and we will see you again next year.

Bob Haufler, Midweek
Ed Veal, LaBiciSquadra



Oak Bay Wheelers - 2009 Time Trial Series

Team/Individual 15km
Sept 3rd

Thursday night's event started with ominous storm clouds hanging over the nearby mountains and all but the hardy stayed home. Those who did come out enjoyed near-perfect conditions as the wind dropped.

In the women's race, Anita Gillmore had competed much in many years but showed her racing heritage by posting a very repectable 26' 29", easily outpacing Sonja Efford from the Queen Charlottes.

The men's event saw the welcome return of Dave Steen after a season-long lay-off due to illness. His time of 25' 06" indicated that he is well on the road to complete recovery.

In the team race, we were treated to the sight of Don Gillmore, course record holder, on the front of his triplet with son Ian (4yrs) and daughter Meghan (7yrs) providing "some" assistance. Their time of 26' 52" would have been a minute or more faster but for mechanical trouble on the return to the finish. The first time only managed to beat the Gillmore clan by a minute!

Next Thursday (September 10th) is the final event of the series, the 15 kilometre championship.

The season awards will be presented on Saturday 12th. Of September at the Black Bear Pub after the Nanaimo hill climb championship. For details on this event, contact Peter McCaffery at

Women actual time hcp hcp time
Anita Gillmore (45/wb) 0:26:29 0:32 0:25:57
Sonja Efford (41/wb) 0:31:11 0:20 0:30:51
Dave Steen (67/md) 0:25:06 0:88 0:23:38
Ross Palfrey (51/mc) 0:31:22 0:26 0:30:56
Dave Ellis (67/md) 0:25:29 0:30 0:24:59
Bill Hutchinson (63/md)


Peter McCaffery (timekeeper)
Dave Kenny (turn marshal)


Blizzard Bike Club

September 3rd, Fort St. John, BC

Pat Ferris made it two mountain bike wins in a row, by winning the Thursday night mountain bike time trial. He did the 3.5 k ‘long course’ in a time of 24:36. Adam Currie was second at 30:39.

Sam Keats won the 1.5 k short course in 15:57 minutes. Ken Nix was second at 17:22 and Rob Churchill third at 18:10. Barb Polehoykie did the ‘short modified’ course in 17:38.

Coming up:
-Sunday Challenge Cup Road Race in Dawson Creek at 10:00 am
-Monday another Mountain Bike race at 10:00 am on the Beatton Cactus circuit.

Normally meeting minutes are as dull as dishwater to read, but our club meeting was held around a camp fire at the start of our new Beatton Cactus Mountain bike venue, right after the Wednesday night race.

Being out in the wilderness, it had more than its usual share of 'critters' wandering around that area to see what was going on.

Some of your readers are expatriate Blizzards and may enjoy reading this and will know exactly where this all took place.

Strange goings on in the frozen north!
Best Regards,
Pat Ferris

Minutes of the General Meeting Blizzard Cycling Club held at the Cactus MB Trails in the Beatton River Valley on September 2, 2009 at 19:30 pm

Present: Patricia Emery (President), Patrick Ferris, Wim Kok (Secretary), Adam Currie, George Gamble

Later: Dawn Gladysz (Treasurer); Trisha Gladysz.

With bear warnings: Larry Joice; Brandon Joice

Regrets: Here is what you missed:

The setting: a perfect site around the campfire. As evening fell a coyote began to yap, attempting to communicate with members of its kind. (Question: Is there an analogy here? Blizzard members calling other to attend the meeting?)

Meanwhile, a deer was overlooking the meeting from on high, while a few bears were circling the site, acting as sergeants-at-arms to keep intruders at bay. The grass and other plants dispersed their distinct scents. Meanwhile in the east the moon rose in the cleavage of the Beatton valley. All feel silent, and then it began:

1. Call to Order at 19:30 pm

2. Agenda: M/S/C as e-circulated

3. Minutes: M/S/C to adopt August '09 as e-circulated.

4. Financial Report: no update available (Treasurer absent for the first part of the meeting; sufficient funds to cover bills)

5. Correspondence: none

6. Business arising from the Minutes: none

7. Reports:

7.1. Membership:

(a) 84 paid up members

(b) Memberships at Ferris Fast Cycle: cash or cheque only [no Visa please]; Fees $ 40.00 per year.

Need to sign ABA waiver for insurance purposes.

7.2. Race committee (Patrick)

(a) Coach's ride (Patrick Ferris @ High School for cyclo-cross. Note 1: Watch for coach's ride notices on e-mail

Note 2: Ken Nix has a perfect attendance record so far. Way to go Ken

(b) MTB races at Cactus Trails. Patricia thanked club members for trail cutting and mowing the pathways.

Trails are very technical in nature, challenging but also very rewarding.

(c) Master Individual Time Trial Championship (World). Sunday September 13/09. Milligan (Peejay) Road

Watch for notices. Veterans of the club unite for this intriguing event.

7.3. Randonneuring (Wim)

(a) Wim Kok returned from Germany, where he completed 420 km of the 1267.5 km Grosse Bayer Rundfahrt before

Abandoning. A longer report will appear in due time on the BC Randonneur website. Watch for postings

(b) 200 km Quiche Brevet; 75 /150 km Populaires and Quiche ride coming Saturday September 12, 2009. Watch for details

(c) Due to increasing popularity of the Paris-Brest-Paris 1200 km Brevet, entries for the 2011edition will be limited.Entries will be

Calculated on the basis of a formula, which uses the number of official brevets/kms completed in 2010. Those completing a 200,

300, or 400 km brevet in 2010 get priority for the 2011 registration.

Message: if you ever wanted to do long distance cycling and be part of the world's premier event, here is you chance.

You don't have to run 42 km; you don't have to swim 2.5 km. You just can stay seated in your saddle all 1240 km long (after all

Cycling is a sedentary activity. For more information contact Wim Kok or check

8. New Business:

(a) Congrats to Barb Polehoykie, Floyd Polehoykie. Trevor Kolkea and Janelle Morrison for completing the 2009 Penticton Ironman

(b) Club Annual Banquet: October 24/09; Patricia will check for space at the Northern Grand; Barb Polehoykie will do trophies.

And now for the clincher (pun intended): volunteers wanted for tickets/room decorating, etc. Contact: Patricia Emery to offer your services

9. Next Meeting: October 7, 2009 at 19:30 pm sharp. Location: Wendy's.

10. Meeting adjourned at 19:50 pm

11. after the meeting: story time!!

* * * * *

Minutes recorded by Wim Kok on September 2, 2009; E-distributed on September 3, 2009.


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