Canadian Cyclist


September 8/09 10:00 am - Tour di Via Italia results

Posted by Editoress on 09/8/09

Results from Sunday's Tour di Via Italia
September 6th in Windsor, Ontario

Senior, Master & Junior Women – 40 km
1 Merrill Collins (La Bicicletta - RWE) 52:38
2 Jane Evely (Team Summa Care - RWM) at s.t.
3 Laura Johnson (Priority Health East/Aavc - RWE) 1:00
4 Sarah Demerly (Wolverine Sports Club - RME)
5 Aimee Allen (Team Priority Health - RWE)
6 Jane Bedard (Mvp Cycling - RWE)
7 Renee Schroede (Rocky Mountains - RWM)
8 Sally Price (Summa Care - RWE)
9 Lori Caruso (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RWM) all s.t.
10 Grace Singleton (Team Priority Health East - RWM)
11 Arlene Marchildon (Independent - RWM)
12 Karine Pepin (Ciclo Sport Racing - RWM)
DNF Sandra Deegan (Midweek - RWM)
DNF Mhairi Gilmore (Sound Solutions - RWE)
DNF Sue Lyons (Independent - RWM)
Senior 1&2 / Pro Men – 110 km
1 Chris Uberti (Panther/RGF p/b Felt - RME.1) 2:10:24
2 Jeff Schiller (Garneau - RME.1)
3 Kirk Albers (Texas Roadhouse Cycling - RME.1) both s.t.
4 Peter Morse (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1) at :02
5 Paul Martin (Panther/RGF - RME.1) 0:03
6 Andy Mosteal (Panther/RGF Solutions/Pb Felt - RME) 0:17
7 Glen Rendall (Ride With Rendall - RME.1) s.t.
8 Daniele Defranceschi (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1) 0:48
9 Ben Renkema (Kenda Pro Cycling - RME.1)
10 Ryan Nye (Mupel Cycling - RME.1)
11 John Grant (Texas Roadhouse Cycling - RME.1)
12 Cory Dubrish (Wolverine/American C&F - RME.1)
13 Luke Cavender (Wolverine/American C&F - RME.1)
14 David Chernosky (Panther/RGF Solutions Pb Felt - RME.1)
15 Jonathan Card (Saturn Of Toledo/ Jack's Bike - RME)
16 John Coyle (Wolverine/American C&F - RME.2)
17 Chris Wood (Sound Solutions - RMM.1)
18 Gerard Yeates (Independent - RMM.1)
19 Brian Adams (MCG)
20 David Fry (Ind. - RMM.1)
21 Tim Finkel (Wolverine/American C&F - RME.2)
22 Mike Renneboog (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMM)
23 Dawid Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach - RME.3)
24 Stephen Meyer (Trek Store Race Team - RME)
25 Greg Allen (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.2)
26 Alan Antonuk (Essex Brass - RME.2)
27 Nick Console (Wolverine/American C&F - RMJ)
28 Paolo Eugeni (Z Team - RMM.1)
29 Jason Cheney (Ride With Rendall - RME)
30 Christian Carvallo (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
31 Joe Kukolla (Texas Roadhouse Cycling - RME.1)
32 Jim Tsilemos (Ride With Rendall - RME.1)
33 John Wolf (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.3)
34 Thomas Kachelmeyer (Wolverine/American C&F - RME.1)
35 Chris Reid (Ride With Rendall - RME.2)
36 Kevin Collins (Grand Rapids Bicycle Company - RME.3)
37 Ben Renkema (Kenda Pro Cycling - RME.1)
38 Garnett Abbey (D'Ornellas - RMM)
39 Mike Viel (Maple - RMM)
40 Vincent Francescotti (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.2)
41 Kenneth Ng (La Bicicletta - RMM.1)
42 Joey Iuliano (Purdue University - RME.2)
43 Jim Gilmore (Lake Effect Cycling - RME.2)
44 Gregory Christian (Panther/RGF p/b Felt - RME.1)
45 Nick Console (Wolverine/American C&F - RMJ)
46 Nicholas Dwyer (Lido Sport Racing - RMM.1)
47 Luke Cavender (Wolverine/American C&F - RME.1)
48 Ryan Nye (Mupel Cycling - RME.1)
49 Bruce Krip (Healing Cycle Bike Club - RMM.1)
50 John Rigdon (Mcg Racing Team - RME.2)
51 Brent Aquino (Z-Team - RME.1)
52 Michael Nash (Ride With Rendall - RME.2)
53 Don Zuck (Z-Team - RMM.1)
54 Casey Roth (Ride With Rendall - RME.2)
55 Rod Mcewan (MCOR - RME.1)
56 Kevin Hazzard (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1)
57 Ryan Aitcheson (Jet Fuel Coffee - RMJ)
58 David Byer (Jet Fuel Coffee - RME.1)
59 Mauro Rizzardo (Z-Team - RMM.2) all s.t.
60 Adam Mcclounie (Wolverine/American C&F - RME.2) 1:40
61 Jason Valenti (Racersportif / Mattamy Homes - RME.1) s.t.
DNF Ed Makarchuk (Sound Solutions - RMM.1)
DNF Chris Freeland (La Bicicletta/J.Lindeberg - RME)
DNF Ciro Viviano (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.2)
DNF Stanislav Blazek (Kurzawinski Coach - RMM.3)
DNF Randall Rodd (Wolverine/American C&F - RME.2)
DNF Peter Baughman (Lake Effect - RME.2)
DNF William Mclaughlin (Maumee Valley Wheelman - RME.2)
DNF Alex Keomany (Mcg Cycling Team - RME.2)
DNF Darko Ficko (La Bicicletta - RME.1)
Master 1, Senior 3 and Junior Men – 40 km
1 Marc Polsinelli (Z Team - RMM.1) 48:30
2 Ryan Aitcheson (Jet Fuel Coffee - RMJ)
3 Paolo Eugeni (Z Team - RMM.1)
4 Mike Renneboog (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMM.1)
5 John Coyle (Wolverine - RMM.1)
6 Robert D'Amico (Z Team - RMM.1)
7 Gerard Yeates (Independent - RMM.1)
8 Eduardo Makarchuk (Sound Solutions - RMM.1)
9 David Fry ( - RMM.1)
10 Nicholas Dwyer (Ciclo Sport Racing - RMM.1)
11 Fred Brewer (Team Tvc / Village Cycle London - RMM.1)
12 Nick Console (Wolveringe / Ac & F - RMJ)
13 Billie Mathys (Belgian Select - RME.3)
14 John Wolf (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.3)
15 Dawid Kurzawinski (Kurzawinski Coach - RME.3)
16 Michael Mckee (Racer Sportif/Mattamy Homes - RMM.1)
17 Chris Wood (Sound Solutions - RMM.1)
18 Michael Aston (Independent - RME.3)
19 Charlie Squires (Team London - RMM.1)
20 Carlo Capaldi (Teamtvc / Village Cycle London - RMM.1)
21 Carlos Goncalves (Team London - RMM.1)
22 Fred Brewer (Team Tvc / Village Cycle London - RMM.1)
23 Marten Mann (London Honda-Westhaven Homes - RMM.1)
24 Noah Maccallum (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMJ)
25 Kenneth Ng (La Bicicletta - RMM.1)
26 Zachary Maino (Mcg - RME.3)
27 Travis Joyce (Cycle 4ms - RMM.1)
28 Ricardo Cotto (Wolverine/American Cycle - RME.3)
29 Matt Gervais (Max Edge - RME.3)
30 Doug Blades (Mbrc - RMM.1)
31 Patrick Shea (Team London - RMM.1)
32 Bruno Grossi (Z-Team - RMM.1)
33 Dan Daddy (Independent - RME.3)
34 Ben Andrew (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RMJ)
35 Mitch Gabel (Pista Elite - RME.3)
36 Michael Forsdike (Team London - RMM.1)
37 Christian Carvallo (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
38 Brent Aquino (Z-Team - RMM.1)
39 Randall Rodd (Wolverine Sports Club/ American C&F - RME.3)
40 Ray Auger (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RME.3)
41 Pak Ho (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
42 Chris Kiziak (Sound Solutions - RMM.1)
43 Noah Maccallum (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMJ)
44 Matt Thomas (Ciclowerks Bmc - RME.3)
45 Ian Cullion (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
46 John Mckay (Independent - RMM.1)
47 Gregory T. Cushing (Z:Team - RMM.1)
48 Don Zuck (Z-Team - RMM.1)
DNF Eduardo Maset (Z-Team - RMM.1)
DNF Garnett Abbey (D'Ornellas - RMM.1)
DNF Kristopher Pieczonka (Maximum Edge Bicycles - RME.3)
DNF Udagawa Akifumi (Independent - RME.3)
Master 2/3 and Senior 4/5 Men – 40 km
1 Kevin Collins (Grand Rapid Bicyle Company - RMM.3) 51:28
2 Stanislav Blazek (Kurzawinski Coach - RMM.3)
3 Steven Baker (Mazurcoaching.Com - RMM.2)
4 Don MacPhail (Cycles London Racing Team - RMM.2)
5 Javier Samayoa (Ann Arbor Velo Club - RME.4)
6 Andy D`Angelo (Bikesports Racing - RMM.3)
7 Robert Cory (Ambassador Bikes - RMM.2)
8 Michael Brown (Ambassador Bikes - RMM.3)
9 Michael Nuttall (Cycles London Racing Team - RMM.2)
10 Billy Mathys (Belgian Select - RMM.3)
11 Johnnie Edghill (D'Ornellas Racing Team - RMM.2)
12 Bruce Camacho (Dornellas Racing Team - RMM.2)
13 Mike Viel (La Bicicletta/J.Lindeberg - RMM.2)
14 Jeffrey Chow (Ciclo Sport Racing - RMM.2)
15 Clyde Gilbey (Cadieux Bicycle Club/Team O2 - RMM.2)
16 Paul Dean (Cycles London Racing Team - RMM.2)
17 Dan Thompson (Madonna Wheelers Cycling Club - RME.4)
18 Saylo Lam (Independent - RMM.3)
19 Tom Szostopal (Ciclo Sport Racing - RMM.2)
20 Manuel Gaudario (Independent - RME.4)
21 Emilio Deagazio (Midweek Cycling Club - RMM.3)
22 Rodney Godard (Ciclo Sport Racing - RMM.2)
23 Martin Vecchio (Team Shred - RME.4)
24 Steven Tremblay (Coach Chris.Ca / Ted Velikonja - RMM.3)
25 Marco Salvati (Midweek Cycling Club - RMM.3)
26 Jason Woods (Ciclosport Racing - RMM.2)
27 Rob Visser (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMM.3)
28 Rob Faulkner (Mazur Coaching - RMM.3)
29 Elias Wasson (Ind. - RME.4)
30 Conrad Mrowiec (Independent - RMM.3)
31 Elgar Vaivars (Ciclowerks Cycling Club - RMM.3)
32 Dan Van Schalkwyk (Ind. - RME.4)
33 Camilo Mondaca (Independent - RMM.2)
34 Brian Sedik (Cadieux Bicycle Club/Team O2 - RMM.3)
35 Mauro Rizzardo (Z-Team - RMM.2)
36 Brett Sudetic (RGF p/b Felt Team - RMM.3)
37 Scott Jankowski (Scott Jankowski - RME.4)
38 Paul Choquette (Team Tvc/Village Cycle London - RMM.2)
39 Anthony Simpson (Mbrc.Org-Gears - RMM.2)
40 Devin Winton (Team Active Racing - RME.4)
41 Alan Russell (Ind. - RMM.2)
42 Armando Vega (Paint Creek Bridges - RMM.2)
43 Anthony Smith (Pista Elite/Black Dog - RMM.3)
44 Mark Teves (Ciclo Sport Racing - RMM.2)
45 Justin Sprung (Kalamazoo Bike Club Racing - RME.4)
DNF Pietro Diponio (Ind. - RMM.3)
DNF Jim Toews (Ind. - RMM.2)
DNF David Howson (Ambassador Bicycles - RMM.3)
DNF Ron Ferreira (Independent - RMM.3)
DNF Rob Faulkner (Mazur Coaching - RMM.3)
DNF Eric Mitchell (Ind. - RME.5)
DNF Joe Hill (Ind. - RMM.3)
Under-17 Cadets – 24 km
1 Joseph Toma (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RMU17) 31:15
2 Adrian George (Hamilton Cycling Club - RMU17)
3 Ian Summers (Independent - RMU17)
4 Nathan Parcels (Port Hope Bicycle - RMU17)
5 Patrick Hennessy (Hamilton Cycling Club - RMU17) all s.t.
6 Jessica Tripp (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RWU17) -1 lap
Under-15 Minimes – 14 km
1 Adam Jamieson (Team Hardwood-Trek - RMU15) 22:20
2 Conner Rapus (Esteem Training - RMU15)
3 Tyler Lee (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMU15)
4 Stefan Milosevic (Chain Reaction - RMU15)
5 Heather Summers (Independent - RMU15)
6 Giles Meloche (Maple Leaf Cycling - RMU15)
7 Dante Lapico ( - RMU15)
8 Connor Virtue (Maple Leaf Cycling - RMU15)
9 Fox D'Hondt (Running Factory - RMU15)
Under-13 PeeWee – 10 km
1 Brady Lee (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMU13) 16:20
2 Robert Starrs (Coach Chris/Ted Velikonja - RMU13)
3 Everett Summers (Jet Fuel Coffee - RMU13)
4 Spencer Virtue (Maple Leaf Cycling Club - RMU13)
5 Farleigh Creswicke (Esteemtraining.Com - RWU13)
6 Ivan Corry (Newmarket Eagles Cycling Club - RMU13)
Under-11 Squirt – 6 km
1 Jacob Howitt (Esteem Training - RMU11) 10:25
2 Campbell Lee (St. Catharines Cycling Club - RMU11)
3 Gabriel Robinson-Leith (Esteemtraining.Com - RMU11)
4 Charlotte Creswicke (Esteemtraining.Com - RWU11)
5 Gavin Browne (Newmarket Eagles - RMU11)
Enthusiasts – 8km
1 David D'Hondt (Running Factory ) 11:00
2 Bob Lajoy (Bicycle Shop)
3 Steve Fletcher (Maple Leaf Cycling Club)
4 John Saul (Courtesy Bicycles)
5 Vladimir Stchekine (Unattached)
6 Warren Fullerton (East Side Riders)
7 Jerry Tan (Unattached)
8 Lance Cosgrove (Independent)
9 Glenn Gervais (Independent)
10 Geoff Owen (Independent)
NP Maria Arruda (Independent)


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