Canadian Cyclist


September 14/09 11:58 am - We Need More Cowbell `Cross: Results and Photos

Posted by Editoress on 09/14/09

We Need More Cowbell `Cross presented by,  September 12th at Bugoyne Woods, St Catharines ON

Photos by John Safka


The third year for this event saw almost 100 riders take to the line for the three starts. The riders were met with a beautiful day and a UCI calibre course that was set in a flat open grassy area with a small run up, well except for Mike Garrigan- who managed to ride it.

The first start was the cat 3/4 and M3 men and cadets. The winner of the race was Chris Ellefson of the Evil Empire Handle Bars CC; look for Chris to jump up to elite in the coming races.  In second place was resident weight weenie and Hub Cycle superstar Jeff Moote. The M3 race was won in a close battle by Eric Sanders over Paul Beit and professional stunt bicyclists Neil Armstrong. The cadets had only 2 entrants with the youngest being 12 year old Stefan Milosevic. Ben Perry of Coach Chris took the win, and I must say Stefan took the smart rider award by finding the only hole in the tape to create a nice little short cut ( yes we noticed little guy).

The 11:30 start saw the M2 and elite/master women take to the line. The M2 had the biggest category and the race saw a group of 8-10 riders in pack. In the end the group finally splintered and had Mike Kew take the win.
   The women had a total of 10 starters in the combined master elite field. This was the first race that had the Hub Bicycle barrier prime. Brianna “whole shot” Illingworth took home the huge cash prize but had to settle for second to Hub cycles Melissa Bun. Lori Koffman took the win over a hard charging Aly Armstrong.  The under 19 saw some blistering laps and some impressive speed from winner Evan McNelly.
The last start had the elite men (13) and the M1 (18) on the line. In the M1 race Peter Mogg, current Canadian over 30+ champ, took the a hard fought win over Dan Staffo and Andrew Croutch, with usually front runner Dave Dermont in 4th. This was one of the best battles of the day and if not for a late race slide Croutch would have made in a 3 way battle for the line.

The elite race was strung out on the first lap by Mike “hot pants” I mean hot lap Garrigan who once again showed impressive speed to take the Hub Cycle Barrier prime.  However, the race remained tight with Isaac Smith, Nathan “Euro Mullet” Chown and upcoming fashion designer Guy VanKrimpen together after lap one.  The group stayed together with a few small efforts here and there for one more lap. On Lap 3, Chown decided to burn his only match and threw down the TV time attack in front of the crowd. The only problem was there was no TV and he blew up soon after. Mike answered the attack and continued with a strong surge on the back side. Chown and Garrigan stayed with each other for one more lap until Mike, who was bunny hopping the uphill barriers distanced his pursuer. Chown was heard saying on the course “Why the %&%* did I put these barriers here” Mike then continued to put time into the field for the next 5 laps and showed good speed and excellent technical skill to take the win. Chown limped in for 2nd with Isaac “too cool to pick up my prize” coming in for a solid 3rd.
 The kids race had over 10 starters and they were all winners, the smiles on their faces were awesome. Riley Chown won best nap award at the race followed closely by her brother Casey who took home the course destruction prize.

The day went smooth and I hope all had a good time. I would like to thank the sponsors and supporters of the race who made making the event possible

Cyclocross Fever
Sheldon Pest Management
Handlebars C.C
Turkstra Lumber
City of St.Catharines
Guru Bicycles Canada
Super Feet Insoles (awesome for cross)
St.Catharines Cycling Club

And special thanks to all the volunteers and members of the St.Catharines Cross Crew who helped with set up, tear down and course design, you know who you are.

Report courtesy organizer


Senior Men
1 Mike Garrigan (Jetpower) SR
2 Nathan Chown (Handlesbarss CC) SR
3 Isaac Smith (Team Mcor) SR
4 Sean Kelly (Peterborough CC) SR
5 Stephane Marcotte (Zm Cycle & Fitness) SR
6 Nick Bishop (Hub Race Team) SR
7 Guy Vankrimpen (Hamilton CC) SR
8 Mark Brusso (Lapdogs CC) SR
9 Jay Menard (Healing Cycle) SR - 1 LAP
10 Ryan Nye (Mvp Cycling) SR - 1 LAP
11 Wesley Hodgson (Cycle Solutions) SR - 1 LAP
12 Rob Hillyard (Buffalo Cycling Club) SR - 1 LAP
Dnf Scott Luscombe (Ind) SR
Master 1 Men
1 Mogg Peter (Hub Race Team) M1
2 Dan Stuffo (Handlebars CC) M1
3 Andrew Croutch (True North Cycles) M1
4 David Dermont (True North Cycles) M1
5 Jonathon Wilby (Ind) M1
6 John Roden (Dundees) M1
7 Ted Ingram (Csajr) M1
8 Chris Wood (Sound Solutions) M1
9 Bob Bergman (Ind) M1
10 Stefan Wiechula (Csajr) M1
11 John Toews (D'ornellas Racing) M1
12 Steven Burget (Handlebars CC) M1
13 William Fu (Pedal Performance) M1
14 Roderick Olliver (Cyclocrossontario.Com) M1
15 Ernesto Alvarez (Midweek CC) M1
16 Oscar Retamal (Midweek CC) M1
17 Christopher Fuller (Buffalo Bike Club) M1
18 Scott Dorfman (Handlebars CC) M1 - 1 LAP
Master 2 Men
1 Michael Kew (Newworld Cycle) M2
2 Scott Sexsmith (Peterborough CC) M2
3 Dmytry Kalkounis (Csajr) M2
4 Andrew Nicholas (Hub Racing Team) M2
5 Roderick Mcdonagh (Elite Health) M2
6 James Barker (Hub Racing Team) M2
7 Joel Rose (Hub Racing Team) M2
8 Alex Kelly (Team Tvc / Village Cycle) M2
9 Shawn Conlon (Handlesbars CC) M2
10 Kevin Watson (Sound Solutions) M2
11 Hugh Hill (Esteemtraining) M2
12 Paul Dean (Cycles London Racing Team) M2
13 Jason Mcarthus (Ind) M2
14 Dmytry Lyeypi (Ind) M2
15 Meloff Rick (La Bicicletta) M2
16 Donald Smith (Elite Health) M2
17 David Tuttle (Ind) M2
18 Thomas Hughes (Lap Dogs CC) M2
19 Chris Yeates (Csajr) M2
U19 Men
1 Evan Mcneely (Emd Serono Spec) U19
2 Sam Rykhoff (Bikesports Racing) U19
3 Conor O'brien (Emd Serono Spec) U19
4 Noah Maccallum (St. Catharines CC) U19
5 Jordan Doner (Team Spokomotion) U19
Senior & Master Women
1 Melissa Bun (Hub Racing Team) S
2 Briana Illingworth (Sweet Pete's) S
3 Rachael Mirvish (4b Cycling Club) S
4 Lori Kofman (Coach Chris) M
5 Aly Armstrong (St. Catharines CC) M
6 Eva Grabinski (True North Cycles) M
7 Robyn Duke (Ind) M - 1 LAP
8 Korina Besednik (Lapdogs CC) M - 1 LAP
9 Hanna Smith (Midweek CC) M - 1 LAP
Dnf Lesley Chown (Handlebars CC) S
Master 3 Men
1 Eric Sanders (Wheels Of Bloor) M3
2 Paul Beit (Sweet Pete's) M3
3 Niels Armstrong (St. Catharines CC) M3
4 Chris Carella (St. Catharines CC) M3
5 Robert Lucchetta (St. Catharines CC) M3
6 Tom Mcdogough (St. Catharines CC) M3
7 Jeff Ker (Ind) M3
8 Bob Haufler (Midweek CC) M3
9 Tom Mackay (Csaj) M3
10 Philip Robson (Hub Racing Team) M3
11 Niel Fisher (Hub Racing Team) M3
12 Francis Moran (Ind) M3
13 Don Perry (Newmarket Eagles) M3
14 Jeff Kielley (Ind) M3
15 Martin Franchi (Cyclocrossontarion.Com) M3
16 Philip Renard (Hamilton CC) M3 - 1 LAP
Dnf Scott Hayes (Midweek CC) M3
Dnf Gase Faroone (Zm Cycle) M3
Beginner 3 / 4 Men
1 Chris Ellefson (Handlebars CC) S3
2 Jeff Moote (Hub Racing Team) S4
3 Jamie Schuman (St.Catharines CC) S4
4 Ryan Jacob (Ind) S3
5 Chris Eckart (Hamilton CC) S4
6 Jeff Kerton (Inf) S4
7 Mark Cascella (Lapdogs CC) S3
8 Matthew Barber (Mighty Cyclery) S4
9 Mike Beatty (Ind) S3
10 Chris Clarke (Ind) S4
11 Michael Clark (Cycle Solutions) S3
12 Matthew Nish-Lapidus (Midweek) S4
Dnf Brett Liersh (Ind) S4 - 1 LAP
U17 Men / Women
1 Ben Perry (Coach Chris) U17 Male
2 Stefan Milosevic (Chain Reaction) U17 Male


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