Canadian Cyclist


July 30/99 9:00 am - Canada Cup XC Final Standings, Mont Ste-Anne Update, Nova Scotia News

Posted by Editoress on 07/30/99

Canada Cup Final Standings

We have calculated the final standings for the Cross Country. Go Here . Points were calculated according to the CCA rules: Best 4 of 6 and riders must attend the final event to qualify for the overall.

The DH will be up by the end of the weekend.

Mont Ste-Anne

This weekend is World Cup DH #6 in Mont Ste-Anne. Rob will be on site all weekend to give us full coverage of the events and festivities.

Warwick Paterson sent us a pre-race update on the condition of the course - The DH course is dry and loose, with each rider dislodging more and more rocks. For once, the technical sections in the trees are almost totally dry! Maybe it's a testimony to the new anti-flat technology, but there has been surprisingly few flats ... well, less than usual.

They just had Dual Slalom training, and this year's course is amazing! It's a very fast course with some rather large jumps! It took a few runs for the big names to clear the longest table-top. With two racers side-by-side at top speed, this course is going to be
unbelievable for the spectators!

Dual Slalom race tomorrow night, and the Downhills are on Sunday.

Nova Scotia Provincial MTB Championships

The 1999 Atlantic and Provincial Mountain Bike Championships will be held this Saturday and Sunday, July 31 and August 1 at Ski Martock, Windsor Nova Scotia. A Downhill and Slalom Event will be featured Saturday and Cross Country Events will take place on Sunday. Contact Joey O'Brien at (902) 798-9501 for more information.

Randy Gray
mountain biking guy.

Local Nova Scotia mountain biking info is available at:


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