Canadian Cyclist


October 26/09 10:10 am - Canada Fifth in Sporting Nation Ranking

Posted by Editoress on 10/26/09 has released The Sport Cities and Nations Guide for 2009, and Canada ranks fifth among nations.  The Guide provides information and analysis on which cities have been most successful in attracting and hosting world class sporting events between 2004 and 2014.  Germany leads, with events such as the 2006 Football World Cup and 2007 Road Cycling Worlds, followed by China (2008 Olympics), United Kingdom (2012 Olympics), South Africa (2010 Football World Cup) and then Canada (2010 Olympics and MTB Worlds).  In the city rankings, Berlin is number one, followed by London and Beijing.  Canada did not have any cities in the top-ten.

1 Germany
2 China
3 United Kingdom
4 South Africa
5 Canada
6 Italy
7 Russia
8 Japan
9 Brazil
10 Spain


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