Canadian Cyclist


November 6/09 12:00 pm - Circle of the Sierra Maestra Bicyle Tour - Cuba

Posted by Editoress on 11/6/09

Our club will host a two week bicycle tour in the east of Cuba this coming February 21st. Details of which can be obtained from the website at (go to events and the Sierra Maestra).

This tour is for riders of all catagories (as per our rating system). The terrain is not too difficult and we do have a bus should you need a day off. It is recomended that you bring either a hardtail MTB or a Hybrid with tires of 28c or 30c in width. Most of the roads are paved but there are a number of sections that will warrant the use of the wider tire. It is February, we will not be in a hurry, nor do you have to ride should you want a day off - there is always the bus which leaves around mid-day (riders depart 9 a.m.)

While in Eastern Cuba you will vist cities,towns and villages. You will see nightlife and beautifull mountain streams. Spend time at the beach and have a BBQ as the guest of the cyclists of Las Tunas. CanBiCuba has a very strong relationship with these riders and we have helped many of them in their cycling, through our equipment donation program. A program that many of you help with each year.

The bus will hold 18 riders and at this time is approximatly half full. If you would like to join us please contact one of the following people:

• Monique Menard for Canada east of the Ottawa River -
• Les Humphreys for Eastern and Northern Ontario -
• Sandrine Levrier for Central Ontario -
• Dave Livett for Niagara and Western Ontario -
• Peter McCaffery for British Columbia -
• Peter Marshall for Outside of Canada -

The land cost for this tour is $1495 and includes all breakfasts and most evening meals. Food on the road is up to you and we have fresh cold water on the bus.


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