Canadian Cyclist


November 9/09 18:23 pm - Forest City Velodrome Youth Program Open to Newcomers

Posted by Editoress on 11/9/09

The Forest City Velodrome, Ontario Cycling Association and Ontario Trillium Foundation are looking for the next Canadian Olympian in cycling. If you are new to Cycling, or an athlete in another sport (athletics, running, hockey, soccer, volleyball) and you would like to give track cycling a try, here is your chance to come to the Forest City Velodrome in London to find out what cycling has to offer.

We are looking for boys and girls, 14 - 16 years old to participate in our youth cycling program, Saturday afternoon's at 2:00 pm. The introduction is part of our very successful Velo-Kids program, that in four short years has produced nine Gold medals for Team Ontario at the Canadian Track Cycling Championships.

Every Saturday afternoon from November 14th - March 6th. The FCV will conduct a one hour introduction to the Velodrome, and the cool thing is that the introduction is "FREE" and includes the use of a bike.

Interested athletes need to register:


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