Canadian Cyclist


December 2/09 9:01 am - Canadian Cyclist is More than Daily News - Don't Miss Out on Anything

Posted by Editoress on 12/2/09

If you have been checking only the front page and Forums at CC, then you are missing a tremendous amount of new content we have been posting over the past few months. We continue to 'build out' the new design that we introduced in the spring, and now is a good time to check out some of the extra features we have added. The latest articles always appear in the lower right corner of the home page, under Latest Updates. So be sure to keep an eye on that section each time you come to CC.

Cycling4Women - Our new sister site continues to grow, as C4W editor Leigh Hargrove adds feature articles regularly. Click on Women's Cycling in the CC navbar, or bookmark directly. C4W also has a Facebook page, which can be accessed from the C4W home page.

Recent features include: Reports on the new CCA Pilot Project to get more women into competition and women's clubs in Winnipeg and Toronto. Coming up: the incredible success of the Washington state program to intro more women to cycling - 239 Cat IV women!

Reviews - Chad G. is steadily increasing the number of reviews he files, with recent articles including a long term Dura Ace wheelset report. Just in time for the short days, Chad's review of the affordable NiteRider MiNewt is going online in the next 24 hours, as is Tech editor Mike Badyk's Specialized Commandpost system. Our Editoress tried out the stylish Opus Cervin urban bike, and we will also have a full set of book reviews up just in time for Christmas gift shopping.


Classifieds - The Classifieds section continues to grow at an amazing rate, with as many as 20 new items added per day.  Of course, this is the prime time of the year for people selling off equipment, so if you are looking for a deal on a piece of kit, be sure to check out the Classifieds on a regular basis.  For sellers:  we know the Classifieds are successful, by the number of requests we get to remove sold items.  And remember:  the Classifieds are FREE (private sales).


Industry/Advocacy News - There are some news items that are quite specific - distributors announcing new sales reps, or specific local trail access issues, for example. These items may not get posted to the main Daily News section, but are added to the appropriate Industry or Advocacy sections. You can always check on what has been posted recently to these departments by clicking on the appropriate section of the navbar.

RSS Feed - CC has had an 'unofficial' RSS Feed for sometime, but as part of our redesign we improved this service, and you can now sign up by clicking the button on the right side of the navbar.

Daily News Archive - There is often so much news going on that we hear from readers asking how they can catch up on news that has 'fallen off' the bottom of the front page. Well, if you weren't aware, every news item we put into our database back to 1997 is only a few clicks away.

You have a couple of different ways to access the archives:

1. At the bottom of the current Daily News items on the home page there is a Search function that you can use to search for a specific rider, event, etc. You can narrow down by year and/or month (this is a good idea, otherwise, you can easily get overwhelmed with hundreds or thousands of responses). If you want to get everything for a specific month/year, just leave the Key Word(s) section blank.

2. If you click on the Daily News link in the navbar and scroll down the page, you will see a link to every month of every year going back to May of 1997 (when we started putting news into the database). Clicking on any one of these will bring up all the postings for that month (including the current one).

We continue to add to CC every week, and you can expect to see new sections and expanded content added on a regular basis, so stay tuned.


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