Canadian Cyclist


January 7/10 19:03 pm - Provincial Association News

Posted by Editoress on 01/7/10

News from the Provincial Associations across the country


Newfoundland and Labrador

BNL Annual General Meeting January 27th

More information go to the BNL website

Nova Scotia

New Date for Bicycle Nova Scotia AGM & Banquet
Bicycle Nova Scotia has RE-SCHEDULED the Year End Banquet & Annual General Meeting for Sunday, January 10, 2010 beginning at 2:30 p.m. at the Park Place Hotel & Conference Centre, Ramada Plaza in Dartmouth. This event was originally scheduled for December but was cancelled due to inclement weather.
For more information go the the BNS website


FQSC Unveils New Website

The Quebec cycling federation (Fédération québécoise des sports cyclistes) has quietly unveiled a new website at The new site is considerably less 'busy' than the old one, making it easier to find stuff. Most of the new site is active, however, some database material (such as the Calendars) is still a work in progress.


The Preliminary 2010 Ontario Cup schedule for road,MTB, DH and BMX is available

Go to the OCA website

OCA Announces 2010 Spring Camps

Camps for 4 disciplines will take place in February and march. Deadline to sign up is January 30th

More information available on the OCA's website

Team Ontario Cadet & Junior Camps at the Forest City Velodrome

The Ontario Cycling Association, Ontario Trillium Foundation and the FCV are pleased to announce the next 2 Camps for Ontario track athletes.
The 2 Camps are scheduled for Saturday January 16th and Saturday January 23rd.
Warm-up begins at 4:15pm with the Camp to start at 4:45pm - 8pm.
These camps will focus on Team Pursuit, Team Sprint, fitness testing, and pain tolerance.
The camp is open to any Cadet or Junior aged rider in Ontario.... Track 2 is a pre-requisite.
No need to pre-register, be prepared to ride fast on both weekends.


NCCP Courses on offer in 2010

MCA Curling Fundraiser
The MCA will be hosting a curling fundraiser at the Pembina Curling Club on Saturday February 27th. Information

MCA Office has moved
The MCA Office has moved out of 200 Main Street and into its new home will be at 145 Pacific Avenue. The last day for the 200 Main Street location was Wednesday December 16th. The new location is expected to be open by February 15th, 2010. In the interim the MCA office will function as a virtual office and can be contacted by e-mail at or at 925-5686.


Nutrition and Recovery Workshops
- The recovery nutrition session will focus on nutrient intake timing for optimal recovery from both aerobic and strength training. The athletes will have an opportunity to share their own nutrition strategies for recovery and we will discuss the barriers to optimal recovery nutrition and develop realistic strategies to deal with these barriers.

Saskatoon: Tuesday, Jan 12, 2010 PAC Room 234 (U of S College of Kinesiology) 7- 9 pm

Regina: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 ED 114 (U of R College of Education) 7:00 - 9:00 pm
For more information or to register contact Michelle Dezell.
Space is limited so register ASAP. Cost: $10

Head Coach Western Canada Games Cycling Team

Interested candidates should email their resume to the SCA office by Jan 31st, 2010 Training and guidance will be provided.

Full info can be found Here

2010 Draft event calendar


2010 Skill courses

British Columbia

Cycling BC has launched a new website which constructed with a main home page for each of the major disciplines (BMX, Cyclocross, Mountain Bike, Road and Track.


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