Canadian Cyclist


January 18/10 12:13 pm - IMBA Canada News

Posted by Editoress on 01/18/10

IMBA Canada eNews for January 2010

IMBA Canada's Loss is Parks Canada's Gain

Early this month, IMBA Canada's executive director Mark Schmidt left his post to pursue a new position with Parks Canada. In his new role as National Trails Analyst, Schmidt will oversee policy development and implementation for trails in Canada's National Parks, Historic Sites, and National Marine Conservation Areas. He will also continue to work closely with IMBA Canada and other partners to implement trails projects. While Schmidt will be sorely missed within IMBA, his expertise will benefit trails nation-wide. Read more here.

MOU Signed with the National Capital Commission

IMBA Canada is excited to announce a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Capital Commission. Signed last fall, the MOU will enable further collaboration between IMBA Canada and the NCC to improve sustainable, multi-use trail planning, trail rehabilitation and management, and encourage responsible use of trails in Gatineau Park, Quebec. “I think this is a major step forward in gaining more access to the kind of trails that mountain bikers want on lands managed by the NCC,” said then-IMBA Canada Director Mark Schmidt. “Now we have a signed agreement that ensures mountain bikers have a place at the table in discussions concerning mountain biking and trails in Gatineau Park.” Read more about the MOU here.

10 Things IMBA Canada Did For Mountain Biking in 2009

1. Taught 20 IMBA trailbuilding workshops in 9 provinces, educating more than 500 people on sustainable trailbuilding practices nationwide.
2. Expanded IMBA Canada’s Regional Office Program. We currently have part-time regional staff in BC, Ontario and Quebec, with plans to add more in 2010.
3. Secured new benefits for IMBA Canada members – Such as the Canadian Subaru VIP Program, and the addition of individual insurance benefits to the existing IMBA Canada insurance program.
4. Hired a full-time Trails Specialist – allowing significant growth in our on-the-ground efforts.
5. Hosted the first-ever IMBA Canada Provincial Mountain Bike Summit in Kitchener, Ontario.
6. Secured Federal Infrastructure Funding for trail expansion at the Canmore Nordic Centre in Canmore, Alberta. IMBA Canada clubs in BC, Ontario and Quebec also received federal money to expand their trails locally.
7. Signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Capital Commission in Ottawa, enabling further collaboration with regards to trails planning, rehabilitation, management and use in Gatineau Park.
8. Created new Canadian resources - Such as the Take a Kid Mountain Biking Guide and the ADSVMQ's Guide d’aménagement de sentier de vélo de montagne.
9. Launched the Ontario Tool Trailer program with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Health Promotion. The end result: more trails on the ground, and free tools for use by IMBA clubs.
10. Provided assistance that has carved the way for new bike parks in urban areas.

“Race Across the Sky” Coming to a Theatre Near You…

Race Across the SkyCitizen Pictures has teamed up with Cineplex Entertainment to release the Canadian premier of Race Across the Sky – Leadville Trail 100. The Documentary, which will be playing at select theatres across the country January 27 and February 7, follows Lance Armstrong and other mountain bikers in the August 2009 race. Click here for a list of participating theatres.

Trail Care Crew Announces New Hire for 2010

IMBA is proud to announce the hire of a new Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew team. Steve and Morgan Lommele will replace Kelly and Collins Bishop, who are leaving the road after two years of excellent service. Steve and Morgan have some very big workboots to fill, but their strong combination of work and mountain bike experience makes them a great fit for one of IMBA’s flagship field programs. The Lommeles currently live in Boulder, CO. They have extensive experience with public speaking, facilitation, collaborative processes, communications and, of course, mountain biking! Morgan and Steve are leaving behind jobs as facilitator/mediator for an environmental consulting firm and communications specialist for the National Renewable Energy Lab (respectively) to head out on the road in a Subaru. As an added bonus, they both hold Masters degrees in Environmental Policy and Management and have traveled to 49 of the nation's 50 states, as well as every world continent (minus Antarctica).

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