Canadian Cyclist


January 20/10 17:56 pm - No Bikes at the Vancouver Games

Posted by Editoress on 01/20/10

The Vancouver Olympic Games organizers have been boasting about having the most environmentally friendly Games possible, using alternate forms of transportation to automobiles wherever possible - unfortunately, it looks like bicycles are not on the list of acceptable transportation in certain circumstances.

TransLink, the Lower Mainland public transit authority, announced at the end of last week that bicycles will be banned from the Expo, Canada and Millennium Lines of the SkyTrain between February 8th and March 3rd.  Cyclists will be able to ride to SkyTrain stations and store their bikes in lockers, but not take them on the trains.  They will also not be allowed to use the bike lockers at the Stadium-Chinatown station.  All of these measures are due to what is referred to as "unique queuing activities", which seems to be a euphemism for security stations (similar to airport security, and used in 2008 at the Beijing Games at every subway station).


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