Canadian Cyclist


August 9/99 2:10 am - News from Italy, Lyne Bessette in Ohio (in french), News from BC

Posted by Editoress on 08/9/99

News from Italy

Firenze - San Patrignano Aug. 8 1999. Rimini, Italy. UCI Cat.: 1/12 (Nat. Elite/-23 competition) Distance: 187km Avg Speed: 42.18 Participants: 175

The 1999 Firenze - San Pantrignano subjected it's protagonists to a scorching hot (40 C, 105 F), classic ride over the hills of Tuscany and Romandy. Scaling the Libbia pass (7km at 10%), the Anghiari climb (2km at 10%) then the Viamaggio pass (15km at 5-6%), and then the rolling cols surrounding the Republic of San Marino, the riders were made to suffer a contest of survival before attacking the final ascent to the hilltop addiction recovery community of San Patrignano. From the gun, the racers unleashed a flurry of action and small breakaways, instigated mainly by the foreign nationals come to test their steel against the Italian strongmen. The Australians were the most active, having a rider up the road for much of the distance of the race, except at the end, where they could have come away with some prestige for their efforts.

At the foot of San Marino (Kilometre 170), Eddy Ratti (Ita, Italfine Podenzano) Seweryn Kohut (Pol, Team Penna) and an Australian broke clear of the emaciated field. They quickly took a minute over their chasers, and that effort apparently exasperated the Australian who was dropped only a few minutes after the initiation of the move. Jamie Burrow (GBR, UC San Paolo), myself (Can, SC REDA - Baggioni), and Raffaele Luongo (Ita, Sanpellegrino) broke clear in pursuit of the leaders, but we only reduced the gap to 45 seconds before being swallowed back into the main group. At 5km to go, and 30 seconds back of the break, I once again set out to catch Kohut and Ratti, this time in the company of Fabio Testi (VS Sintofarm). 1500m to go, we were still 20 seconds behind the lead two, and a handful of seconds ahead of the chasers. Then the course veered right an onto the final 1km 20% wall that led to the finish. I attacked and dropped Testi, and had my hopes set on catching the leaders.

Ratti and Kohut were sparring in a dead heat to crest the climb first, and I was closing in behind them. At 300m to go, I glanced behind me and saw the tricolour Italian elite champion's jersey on the shoulders of Davis Miorin (Ita, Parolin) about 20 meters back and advancing. At the line, Polack Kohut muscled a well deserved win over Ratti, and 15 seconds later I followed them across the finish, just ahead of the rest of the chase.

Final Results
1. Sewery Kohut (elite 1976) Team Penna 4:26
2. Eddy Ratti (espoir, 1977) Italfine Podenzano at s.t.
3. Paul Kelly (elite, 1976) Reda Baggioni 0:15
4. Milan Kadlec (elite, 1974) GS Brunero s.t.
5. Davis Miorin (elite 1976) Parolin s.t.

Paul Kelly.

P.S. to teams : On this weekend, a year ago, I won the GP Ostera Vetere, and finished 19th at Firenze San Patrignano. Though Ostera Vetere was cancelled this year due to lack of funding, my performance here (quite a prestigious event) should serve to indicate that I have improved in condition and that my results have been consistently good, year after year, race after race. US teams have said they are not signing contracts until September, yet I am under a bit of time pressure to secure my 2000/2001 plans as Italian team have their priority picks in to the UCI by August 31st. Two teams here have expressed interest, though it is better to explore all possible avenues before making any career decisions. If you have a position available for next season, please advise me ASAP of the details by email or phone (011 039 546 20508 -remember the time zone change). I can prepare a full portfolio and send it by mail upon request. br>br>br>Bessette fait son travail et abandonne en Ohio

Hilliard, Ohio- Lyne Bessette n'a pas vécu la semaine la plus agréable de son été en Ohio. La cycliste de Knowlton a joué son rôle de coéquipière lors d'une course de quatre étapes qu'elle a peu appréciée. Jeudi soir, trois heures après être arrivée de Winnipeg, Bessette a terminé au deuxième rang d'une étape où les membres de l'équipe Saturn voulaient offrir le premier rang à leur coéquipière Susy Pryde. "Malgré la fatigue du voyage, je me sentais très bien. a expliqué Bessette. Deux coéquipières et moi avons causé une échappée à quatre et avons largué la seule coureuse qui ne faisait pas partie de notre équipe. Comme convenu, nous avons laissé Susy gagner."

Vendredi, Bessette a déclaré forfait en raison de crampes abdominales en sachant que les règlements de cette compétition lui permettaient de participer aux étapes subséquentes. Samedi, elle a terminé au 8e rang des sprints de 200 mètres. Et dimanche, elle a tout donné lors d'échappées visant à avantager Pryde avant d'abandonner. "J'ai attaqué à plusieurs reprises pour causer quelques échappées, mais je n'avais plus d'énergie. Lorsque le peloton est revenu à nous, je me suis vite retrouvée derrière et j'ai abandonné. Comme Susy occupe le 2e rang du classement général du pro Tour américain, il fallait l'aider. J'ai tout simplement joué mon rôle."

"Je n'ai pas tellement aimé cette course, a poursuivi Bessette. Les étapes étaient présentées en soirée et le matin, nous devions nous entraîner sur des routes passantes pleines d'entrées commerciales. En après-midi, il n'y avait rien à faire. Mais bon, ça prend des courses moins agréables pour nous faire apprécier les plus belles." a-t-elle philosophé en riant.

Bessette passera les prochaines semaines en Estrie, et a bien hâte. "Je ne suis pas une Wonderwoman. Je suis fatiguée et je veux faire des compétitions dans mon coin sans avoir à voyager."

La prochaine course de la cycliste de 24 ans sera le Grand Prix féminin du Canada présenté dans la région de Cowansville, du 24 au 29 août.

L'Agence DIAPO.
Daniel Aucoin
(514) 990-4500
site Internet temporaire: www.diapo.qc.cabr>br>br>BC Cup XC #4 (Fernie Mud N' Madness)
Fernie BC - Saturday 7th of August

Senior Pro/Elite Men
Marc Sonntag 1st
Adrian Elzinga 2nd
Ruedi Schnyder 3rd
Mike Pruner 4th
Carter Hovey 5th

Senior Pro/elite Women
Kiara Bisaro 1st
Adrienne Webb 2nd
Wendy Simms 3rd
Gina Grain 4th
Tanya Hawthorne-Allen 5th

Junior Expert Men
Jaimie Douglas 1st
Adam Cook 2nd

Veteran Expert Men
Doug Horn 1st
Stuart Boyce 2nd

A report of the race is coming up on my website HERE. Right now, gotta sleep, I just stepped in the door after a 12 hour drive.

Rodney Hsu


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