Canadian Cyclist


January 26/10 13:02 pm - Coaching Level 3 Technical Course in Calgary

Posted by Editoress on 01/26/10

The CCA is coordinating a Coaching Level 3 Technical Course scheduled to take place in Calgary, Alberta on March 6th-7th 2010. The course will be presented in English by Dan Proulx (MTB national head coach) and Paul Jurbala (Leader in coaching education). This course will also feature new modules from the Competition Development course.

Eligibility Requirements:
Candidates must be fully certified NCCP Level 2 in one cycling discipline and fully certified NCCP Level 1 in a second cycling discipline.

The candidate must have successfully completed the NCCP Level 3 theory component. Or under the new NCCP

Candidates must be fully certified in the introduction to competition context (Basic Cycling Skills + Training Basics + MTB / Road / BMX Skills and Tactics)

Note: All coaching credits and records must be verifiable from the candidate’s NCCP transcript maintained by the Coaching Association of Canada.

Candidates must receive the recommendation of their provincial or territorial association. The Associations are encouraged to subsidize costs for candidates representing the province or territory.

Registration Procedure:
Eligible candidates - PLEASE contact the CCA ( or (613) 248-1353) for the appropriate application form. Return the form to the CCA with payment for the course and accommodation if required.
Registration is $250.00

The registration deadline is Monday February 22nd 2010. Candidates will receive confirmation as registrations are received.

Course Summary:
Candidates will be asked to arrive on the morning of Friday March 5th for an informal get together at approximately 12h00; including a brief introduction and to receive any course materials.

The following topics will be covered at this course:- Sport psychology, physiology, nutrition, strength training, team management, using a power meter for training, etc (Tentative outline – subject to change).

• Friday March 5th - All day (13h00 -20h00) - Classroom session.
• Saturday March 6th - All day (09h00 -18h00) - Classroom session.
• Sunday March 7th – Participants depart (09h00 -16h00) - Classroom session.

Accommodation and Travel:
Candidates are responsible for their own costs and arrangements associated with travel, accommodation and meals. The CCA is exploring the availability of affordable room rates at a local hotel. Please indicate on the registration form the dates accommodation would be required if interested in this option. The CCA will confirm availability and rates to participants.


Courtesy CCA


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