Canadian Cyclist


January 26/10 17:00 pm - Cycling BC Announces New Marathon XC Series

Posted by Editor on 01/26/10

Showcasing some of the best single track BC has to offer in Squamish and North Vancouver, Cycling BC has joined forces with five epic events to sanction the “Helluva Series”. This comes after a successful meeting with the organizers of the well known past GRMBA races to work together as a cohesive body and bring grassroot racing back under the Cycling BC umbrella.

To this effect, the Marathon XC Series will bring riders back to the “hay-day” of cross country mountain bike racing. Rather than leaders donning a jersey, a mojo will be displayed proudly and the crowned King & Queen won’t necessarily be the leaders ... it could boil down to who writes the best story.

This fun, relaxed type of series will become a weekend holiday for many & the local training grounds for those pursuing future goals. As quoted by Cliff Miller, Race Director of the Test of Metal, “... it is hoped that over the next few years this series grows to the point that all 5 races become “must do’s” for all the serious and grassroot mountain bike racers both in the Lower Mainland and further afield.”

May 15 - Ore Crusher, Squamish

June 5 - North Shore Festival, North Vancouver

June 19 - Test of Metal, Squamish

July 24 - Gear Jammer, Squamish

August 21 - Just Another Bike Race; The Finals, Squamish

How to become a Contender:

You first must fit in one of the following Series age categories and then complete 3 of 5 races listed above, one of which must be the Finals on August 21st.



If you hold a 2010 Pro/Elite license, your Series is the best 4 of 5, since entry into the Test is still possible.

For information on this Series and other BC sanctioned events, including the 2010 BC Cup Series, visit the Mountain Bike Section on


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