Canadian Cyclist


February 3/10 13:10 pm - Downhill News from B.C.

Posted by Editoress on 02/3/10

National DH Camp Report

National Downhill Coach, Geoff Pendrel, held a skills camp for four days in mid-January, at Bootleg Canyon (Nevada). Beneath stunning blue skies, Geoff gave the crew a good work out. Several of the riders are aspirants to the team, and it was an excellent opportunity for the coach to get to know some more up and coming talent from across Canada. Many Cycling BC team members were invited but, unfortunately, several were either finishing up Grade 12 exams or working to cover upcoming season expenses.
Coach Pendrel was pleased with the results: “The Downhill Mountain Bike National Team's first winter training camp was a huge success. The riders worked incredibly hard and showed the type of work ethic that will make them future champions. I believe our riders will really benefit from this opportunity and will come into the race season with more knowledge and tools than ever before. This camp represents an exciting new direction for our National Team.”

Riders came away from the camp feeling they had put the time to good use and had learned valuable techniques. One Junior commented that, with Geoff's help, he learned to shave 30 seconds off his time from the beginning of camp to the last day - now that's considerable!

Riders from BC were: Tyler Allison, Nick Geddes, Max Horner, Dean Tennant, Kye and Brendan Walstrom.

Canadian National Team DHer Miranda Miller Injured

It was an unlucky break. While scoping out a trail at Mt. Prevost on Vancouver Island with Dean Tennant and buddies from Dunbar, Miller took a blow to the leg from an errant root or 2 x 4, which broke her tibula and fibula, but good. She coasted out with Dean Tennant gamely pushing her up the hills and paid a visit to the Cowichan Hospital. Ten days, several doctors and a fair amount of morphine later, she has undergone very successful surgery at VGH. Her bones have been wired in place from the outside which is a celebration, since it means she didn't have to go with a plate and screws. Looking to be back at the gym & working on upper body by the weekend.

Riders Prepping for the Season

Many of the second year Juniors have arranged their Grade 12 year with a heavy course load in the first semester, so that they can graduate early and devote the rest of the year to riding and earning much needed dinero for the upcoming season.

Chayse Marshall has gone to join the snowbirds in California and enjoy riding in real sunshine. Remi is hoping to head that way before too long - just teeing up a group. Kyle's injuries are healing well and he's busy at the gym, spin, rugby, etc. Lauren and Nick are heading to the XC Camp in Victoria. Max is working for the Olympics in Whistler. Miranda is destroyed to be missing out on her job of riding the swamp wagon in the dead of night to clean up the Olympic porta potties, while Tyler Allison has been awarded the rare honour of lighting the Olympic Flame in Whistler on February 5th - how cool is that?

Most Elite riders are furiously working and sitting up late at night counting their coin. With the current mild weather they appear regularly on the North Shore, Squamish or a trail near you - the mud on their faces making their smiles gleam like an ad for toothpaste. Roll on April and the first wild ride of the season.

Courtesy Tamsin Miller


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