Canadian Cyclist


February 9/10 16:48 pm - Cycling BC's High Performance Team Winter Training Camp

Posted by Editoress on 02/9/10

Team BC held it's annual winter training and testing camp February 5-7 in Victoria in conjunction with Canadian Sports Center-Pacific and the newly formed Victoria Cycling Academy, Cycling BC's High Performance Team youth training center.




Lead by Team BC Coaches Steve Lund and Jeff Ain riders started testing in the CSC-Pacific High Performance Lab on Friday morning and testing continued throughout the day. Riders not testing got a quick session on dynamic core strength and stability in the High Performance Gym and a few took the chance to hit the road in the sunshine. Friday evening saw the whole group come together in the kitchen. CSC-Pacific Dietitian Sue Boegman ran a great session on what to eat when on the road and how to prepare it. The session was a hit as everyone got some well needed apron time and hands on experience cooking some delicious and nutritious meals.

Saturday was another gorgeous day in Victoria and the roadies got an early start on a solid 4 hour ride that included 3 TT type efforts around the airport. The MTBers finished up their testing in the AM, then hit the trails at Hartland MTB Park in the afternoon. Former National Junior XC Champion Jeff Clarkson was out to help lead our young Team BC riders through the forest as they tackled Twister, Lumpy Pants and Crazy Horse trails. After the rides on Saturday the riders were treated to a Recovery Session in the CSC-Pacific Regeneration Room. The tubs filled with hot and cold water were a little intimidating to some, but after a few dips in tubs everyone soon realized that their legs were feeling lighter already and all welcomed the benefit of a little extra recovery after the hard efforts of the day. Riders were then off to the Ewart's house as Sarah Ewart and Claudia Logan once again treated the riders to a home made feast to further speed their recovery and get everyone ready for the big rides on Sunday.

Sunday was a little rainy, but the rain did little to dampen the spirits of 20 inspired Junior and U-17 cyclists! The day started with an hour of skills in the parking lot where the MTBers did their best to show off their superior bike handling skills. Everyone hit the road together, but after a couple km the MTB riders hit the gravel and headed to the trails for another great ride at Hartland while the roadies set off for Land's End. As if by design, everyone came together a few km from the Training Center 3.5 hours later and the group rolled in to end a great weekend of training.




Next up is a 2 week training camp in sunny Tuscon Arizona for Team BC's top U-23 and U-19 riders, February 22-March 7. Also planned is a big development MTB and Road camp to be run for U-15 and U-17 riders in and around Victoria at Spring Break, March 6-12. Stay tuned for updates and more details!

Thanks to our host families the Ewarts and Logans and the great Cycling BC High Performance Team sponsors, Haywood Securities, ATAC Sportswear, Adera and FAB-All Manufacturing for their cash support of our high performance and long term athlete development programs. A big thank you also goes out to Rob Mulder of Roberts Sailworks for the use of his Smart Car crushing monster van. As well the Cycling BC High Performance Team would like to thank Canadian Sport Centre Pacific for their coaching program support and assistance in hosting Training Camps and our on going training programs in Victoria and throughout BC.


Courtesy Steve Lund, Cycling BC


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