Canadian Cyclist


April 8/10 17:45 pm - Bikes Needed for 'Students at Risk' Team

Posted by Editoress on 04/8/10

Team BikeWrench is a cycling program in our school located within the Haliburton Highlands (Central Ontario) that caters to students at risk in a residential setting. To promote and facilitate racing and weekly adventures, we need bikes that will enable the students the opportunity to do this. For this reason we are seeking your assistance.


If you would like to donate a mountain bike that is still worthy of racing and riding off road, yet isn't being used, we would be most appreciative. We have 8 students in the program at one time. Please respond to if you are able to donate a bike, equipment, parts, or any cycling gear that could be used for our school mountain bike program. For more information on our school program, please visit our website


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