Canadian Cyclist


April 14/10 12:02 pm - Race Announcer Wanted

Posted by Editoress on 04/14/10

The 2010 Robert Cameron Law Cycling Series p/b the Times Colonist is looking for a skilled race announcer for the La-z-boy Bastion Square Grand Prix.   The ideal candidate must have good technical knowledge of Road Cycling as well as have excellent verbal communication skills to communicate to the crowd on various aspects of the event such as:
- Race play-by-play
- Prime/Lap announcements
- Sponsor Acknowledgment
- Generate excitement with the crowd
- Prize/Winner Announcements
While this is a volunteer position, an honourarium may be considered at the descretion of the Robert Cameron Law Cycling Series Organizing Committee.
Please submit your application to Event Director Jon Watkin at by no later than April 30, 2010.


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