Canadian Cyclist


April 16/10 10:45 am - Women's Track Clinic

Posted by Editoress on 04/16/10

The IVBP*  and the MBRA* are proud to present the first IVBP Women's Velodrome Clinic. Participants will learn the techniques and etiquette that enable safe and effective training/racing on a velodrome. Riders will have ample time to ride the track and practice these techniques. Many of the world's top riders started out on the track, so can you!

Location: The International Velodrome at Bloomer Park, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010.
Start Time 11:00 AM
Duration: Approximately 3-4 hours
Cost: **FREE**

Equipment required: Please bring riding clothes, helmet, shoes, and (if available) pedals. If you have a track bike you may bring it. Our rental bike pedals are SPD (original style) compatible.

Covers: Introduction to the track bike, apron drills, cone drills, rail drill, follow the leader,
riding a paceline, scrimmage races.

No Preregistration required - Track bikes are available for use.
A limited number of helmets and shoes are available

Link to the flyer (PDF) for more information

IVBP = International Velodrome at Bloomer Park
MBRA = Michigan Bicycle Racing Association


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