Canadian Cyclist


April 20/10 9:48 am - Midweek Club Season Opener - Tonight

Posted by Editoress on 04/20/10

Tonight starts Midweek's 2010 Tuesday night race series - Here is some news about the series.
The schedule will mix up a bit, with special twilight race schedule on June 15, 22, 29 and July 6 & 13

Season Schedule Notes:
Tonight only - single start at 6:45 - combined races. Typical early racers please ride at the back. Last night it was cold at 8 pm so dress appropriately.

April 26 to June 8

   1. 6:45 pm early race start: Newbies, first timers - irrespective of your licence category all first timers must race early race, we will promote you to second race when you are comfortable with this course's dynamics
   2. 7:20 pm to dark (may go into dark during first weeks): Returning fast riders

June 15, 22, 29 and July 6 & 13

   1. 6:45 pm early race start, ends at 7:40: Newbies, first timers - irrespective of your licence category all first timers must race early race, we will promote you to second race when you are comfortable with this course's dynamics
   2. 7:45 pm to 9+ pm (your race WILL end in the dark, please be prepared): Returning and promoted fast riders. Please plan to help clean the course and load-up the race kit post race

July 20 to August 31

   1. 6:45 pm early race start: Newbies, first timers - irrespective of your licence category all first timers must race early race, we will promote you to second race when you are comfortable with this course's dynamics
   2. 7:20 pm to dark (may go into dark during last weeks): Returning  and promoted fast riders

Please arrive early to your first session of the season, whenever that may occur, so that we can sign you in. There will be a two part sign-in for the first session, one the typical update of last season data and then please add your email to the email list on the laptop. We will use it to help notify participants of race news; especially weather cancellations.

Please remember to pick-up your season long race numbers: one bike frame number and one hip number. Yes, this year we wish you to wear the number on the hip. Don't forget to bring 6 safety pins with you. Early racers will be giving numbers that start at 400 and work down, late racers start at 1 and work up. Those promoted from early to late will be issued new numbers at time of promotion.

As per past years please park in the lots on Eastgate and do not ride, walk, or park in either TD Bank or RIM parking lots

< 23: $5 per session or join the club and pay $50 for the season if you have your race licence or citizen's permit
23+: $10 per session or join the club and pay $125 for the season if you have your race licence or citizen's permit

You do NOT need to race in Midweek kit to be a Midweek member. While we'd like you to do so, it is NOT required. Nor will we won't be sad if you don't. Same goes for the volunteer hours. But please remember the fact of life -- your racing occurs only because someone has given up of their time to enable it to happen. So, when ever you can help please do so.

Midweek would like to thank all who came out to coach and mentor the Learn-to-Race program last night. Please don't forget to encourage people to take the program. The formal 9 week program starts May 3 but we use the April Monday's to get a head start on basic racing skills. Program cost is free with Midweek membership (by far the cheapest way to take it).

Please don't forget the Kid's and Youth program returns to Centennial Park on Thursday May 6, meeting at the model airplane circle on the west side of the park. This is basic riding,mountain bike and 'cross skills. Goal build cycling and personal confidence. Any type of bikes, helmets mandatory. Ages 9 to 12. Parents encouraged to participate too.

New for Midweek Club Members only
Saturday morning races: once per month Midweek Club members will be invited to spend Saturday morning racing. It will be a mix of races: individual sprints, team sprints, miss and outs, handicaps, etc. Basically a fun morning of racing.

See you soon!

Craig Fagan, Midweek c.c.


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