Canadian Cyclist


April 27/10 12:33 pm - Burlington Road Race, May 16th - Cancelled

Posted by Editoress on 04/27/10

It is with deep regret that Midweek must inform you that the Burlington Road Race planned for May 16th must be cancelled.
The Halton Police Service has informed us very recently that they have changed their policy and will not undertake staffing rolling enclosures (partial or full). This new policy applies immediately. 
It is our belief that it will take a longer period of time than we have available to get the Police to change their position and we can't guarantee a favourable out-come. (Meeting with senior level police and the head of the Halton Police Services Board will be set-up.)
While the City of Burlington has offered to close sections of the course as the race proceeds through that section, their plan would mean a Midweek vehicle would be the lead vehicle. Setting aside whether we could find 4 more vehicles and skilled drivers we feel it would not be safe without proper police support on the road with the riders to control the on-coming traffic. Lead police's role is primarily one of traffic calming, slowing on coming traffic and where ever possible having such traffic pull over to the right shoulder of the road. A private vehicle does not have the authority to do this. Please recall last year we ended up with all the traffic from Hwy 403 dumped onto the course. In our view the safety risk and associated liability their absence may generate is simply too high to take up the City of Burlington's accommodation. 
Therefore, we believe that the race must be cancelled due to safety issues.
Due to the sensitivity of discussions we request all cyclists to reframe from e-mailing the police services or municipality at this time.
Craig Fagan, Midweek Cycling Club


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