Canadian Cyclist


May 8/10 10:35 am - Less Than 1 Week to Sign Up for 2010 Worlds Competition

Posted by Editor on 05/8/10

This year, the organizers of the 2010 Mountain Bike World Championships in Mont Ste Anne, Quebec, Canada - Gestev - are working with Canadian Cyclist to bring you the first ever World Cup Fantasy Tour. The top prize is a VIP package for the World Championships, including accommodation and all access passes!

Here is a list of the prizes that Gestev has generously donated:

1. Accommodation at Mont Ste Anne for two (2) people from September 1 - September 5 with half board. VIP passes to all events at the World Championships.

2. Mountain bike valued at $1200 (brand to be announced)

3. A jersey autographed by all the 2010 World Champions

You can register or revise your team up to and including May 14th at 5:00 pm EDT. Registration and team changes will be cut off at that time. Please note that rider selection consists of riders listed as members of UCI registered teams, plus a final 'team' of non-UCI team riders listed as Independent (primarily 4-Cross riders).

Register or update your team by clicking on the link below. Each participant must pick 9 riders. You can pick riders all from one discipline (4X / DH / XCO) or only men / only women, if you wish, but remember that riders cannot score points in events they don't enter!

Enter the 2010 MTB World Cup Fantasy Tour - Sponsored by 2010 MTB Worlds!


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