Canadian Cyclist


May 9/10 18:11 pm - Hamilton to Hold Public Velodrome Consultation May 11th

Posted by Editor on 05/9/10

According to the Hamilton Spectator newspaper, the City of Hamilton Pan Am Games staff will host two community consultation sessions next week. Both sessions will be held at 7:00 pm at Sackville Seniors Centre, 780 Upper Wentworth St. Discussions Tuesday (May 11th) will focus on the velodrome planned for a west harbour location. On Wednesday, discussions will focus on the stadium.

In a press release, Mayor Fred Eisenberger stated: "We want to ensure that Hamiltonians continue to have a voice in this process."

A velodrome consultation with cycling stakeholders will be held May 17th, with more public consultations that week and the following one. Eisenberger will also host a meeting on the stadium "within the next couple of weeks" that will include the Tiger-Cats and other public and private sector stakeholders.

The City is coming under increasing fire for its plans to put the Stadium and Velodrome in a West Harbour location, despite opposition from both the Tiger-Cats owner Bob Young and the cycling community. The Globe and Mail published stories yesterday on growing opposition (including the City Councillor for the West Harbour ward), as did the Hamilton Spectator:

Ticats owner takes stadium battle public

Hamilton mayor fires back

Stadium showdown divides councillors

Our own commentary on the subject: The Hamilton Velodrome - Are We About to Get Shafted?

We urge members of the cycling community to attend the Tuesday session; a strong turn out will demonstrate the commitment of the cycling community to the development of a long term cycling facility.


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