Canadian Cyclist


June 17/10 21:55 pm - Para Cycle Western Development Camps

Posted by Editoress on 06/17/10

The following dates have been chosen for the National Cycling Centre-Canadian Sport Centre Calgary 2010 Para Cycle “Development Camps”:

• Edmonton June 25-27
• Calgary August 27-29
• Calgary & Canmore September 3-6 Para Cycle Provincial Championships to run in Conjunction with the Youth Road and Track Championships in Canmore and Calgary

These sessions will include both track and road cycling activities. It was difficult to schedule these weekends this year as there are more events on the Calendar (the ABA is hosting Road Nationals & MTB Nationals) and Canada is hosting the UCI World Para Cycle Championships in Quebec from August 17-22. Para Cycle Road & Track Nationals are however in Quebec from July 2-8.

The first evening of each clinic will include an open meeting for all participants to attend. Information regarding the Para Cycle program, training, bicycles and adaptations will be presented and an open discussion including input from current and past Para Cycle National Team Athletes will be facilitated. The Club House at the Argyle Velodrome in Edmonton is proposed for this meeting and the University of Calgary (Olympic Oval) is proposed for the Calgary meeting.

The format that I’ve used in previous versions is based on type of disability or bicycle used; this is what each day would look like (format may change based on numbers and level of the participants)

Day 1: Saturday Road Focus

9:00-10:30 First Group Ride/Session (no velodrome component for these riders as their equipment has 3 wheels)

• Hand Cycles
• Tricycles
11:00-12:30 2nd Group/Ride Session

• Bicycle Categories (CP & AMP)
1:00-2:30 3rd Group/Ride Session

• Tandem & High Functioning Bicycle Division Participants
3:00-4:30 4th Group/Ride Session

• Youth Para Cycle Orientation….time for youth from all the disability groups to meet and to share in a positive and supportive cycling experience.

• Other participants, coaches, pilots etc

• Non classifiable participants or those who have major adaptations that need more 1-1 attention from the coach

Day 2: Sunday

• Will have a similar schedule with a focus on Velodrome Riding for everyone but the Tricycle and Hand Cycle Categories

• The Argyle and Glenmore Velodromes will need to be booked for these days from 11-5.

• Track Bikes will be required and are available from the clubs associated with each facility (Juventus in Edmonton and the Calgary Bicycle Track League in Calgary).

It is important to note that the participants should have a basic level of competence and understanding of how to ride a bicycle, tricycle or handcycle. These sessions are targeted towards individuals who are able to ride at a basic level. If individuals who are not able to ride yet want to participate they are welcome to watch and participate in the “Off Bike” sessions and I’ll be available to offer advice and give direction on how to start a program on learning how to ride a bicycle.

Personal equipment that is used is the participant’s responsibility; however I do have a fleet of bicycles, tricycles, hand cycles and tandems which will be available for the participants. Personal equipment such as Helmets, Gloves, Shoes and Pedals etc will be the responsibility of the participant. Anyone requiring significant adaptations to their bike must make arrangements prior to the camp to have this completed and tested in some cases it takes a number of hours and many attempts to determine the most affective and appropriate system (Brakes, Shifters, prosthetic adaptations etc). These clinics also serve as a coach/Club development tool; one of my goals this year is to find a dedicated contact person in each of the western provinces and to help coordinate the Para Cycle program there.

Please complete this form and return it to Stephen Burke at the National Cycling Centre Calgary. Participants need to be members in good standing of their Provincial Disabled Sport Association and will be required to pay a small fee for the clinic to ensure appropriate insurance is in place.

Stephen Burke ChPC, BKin, National Cycling Centre-Canadian Sport Centre Calgary


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