Canadian Cyclist


July 8/10 22:53 pm - Olympian Brings Share The Road Coalition West

Posted by Editoress on 07/8/10

Olympic cross-country skier Devon Kershaw will be taking to the streets of Canmore, Alberta next week to raise awareness for bicycle safety. The two-time Olympian and three-time World Cup medalist will be teaming up with the Share The Road Cycling Coalition to host a community bike ride in Canmore to promote safe cycling and highlight the important benefits of creating bicycle-friendly communities across Canada. The 20-kilometre community ride will start and finish at the Civic Centre Plaza in downtown Canmore and will be open to cyclists of all ages and abilities.

Kershaw first joined forces with Share The Road in 2009 when he and Coalition Founder and CEO Eleanor McMahon organized a Share the Road Ride in Sudbury, Ontario in memory of Devon's girlfriend and former national ski team member Sofie Manarin who was killed on a training ride on her bike in Sudbury in 2001. The Canmore event will mark Share The Road's first initiative outside of Ontario.

As the lead Athlete Ambassador for Share The Road, Kershaw has dedicated significant time and energy to promoting the work of the Coalition, most recently hosting a fundraising event in Toronto in May 2010. Kershaw will provide a brief address to riders before the Canmore ride rolls out at 6pm next Friday. "This is a great opportunity for the local community to come together for a great cause," said Kershaw. "Tragic accidents can be avoided when we increase levels of awareness and care taken by cyclists and motorists alike. We shouldn't have to think twice about encouraging people to be active, environmentally-conscientious and to have fun by riding their bikes."

Also providing remarks at the event will be Share The Road Founder Eleanor McMahon and Mayor of Canmore Ron Casey. Kershaw will lead the leisurely-paced ride and will be joined on his bike by many of his fellow Olympians that also live and train in the Bow Valley. "It's a particularly relevant issue for athletes," noted Kershaw. "Between riding, roller-skiing and running we are probably on the road at least 15 hours per week. By increasing awareness we can all continue to enjoy these activities safely."

Share The Road's signature event, The Ride for Greg, has been held in Burlington since 2006 in memory of Ms. McMahon's husband - former OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart who was killed on a training ride in June of 2006. In addition to the Canmore ride, Share The Road events are planned this summer for Ottawa, Sudbury (once again to be hosted by Kershaw) and Burlington, Ontario.


WHEN - Friday, July 16th, 6pm
WHERE - 20 km loop starting and finishing at the Canmore Civic Centre Plaza
WHO - Devon Kershaw, Olympic Cross-Country Skier & 3-Time World Cup Medalist

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