Canadian Cyclist


September 15/99 5:42 am - Road Worlds Selection, Ontario & Alberta News, Birthday and more

Posted by Editoress on 09/15/99

Rider Selection for 1999 Road and Track World Championships
(courtesy CCA)

Elite Women

Clara Hughes - Manitoba
Lune Bessette - Quebec
Linda Jackson -Ontario
Alison Sydor - British Columbia
Anne Samplonius -Ontario
Annie Gariepy - Quebec

Alternate - Leigh Hobson -Ontario
Alternate - Chrissy Redden -Ontario

Clara Hughes - Manitoba
Lyne Bessette - Quebec

Elite Men
ITT: Eric Wohlberg -Ontario

Espoire Men

Junior Women
Geneieve Jeanson - Quebec

Junior Men
Dominique Rollin - Quebec
Martin Gilbert - Quebec
Eric Dubé - Quebec

Women's Points
Mandy Poitras - British Columbia

Men's Points
Brian Walton - British Columbia

Women's Sprint and 500m TT
Tanya Dubnicoff - Manitoba

Olympic Sprint
Doug Baron - Alberta
Jim Fisher - Alberta
Lars Madsen - Alberta

Jim Fisher - Alberta

Doug Baron - Alberta

Belated Birthday greetings to.....George Visser, who celebrated yesterday.


All of the details are in place for this fantastic fall MTB festival. The famous Haliburton Mud Pit awaits! On Saturday are the Hill Climb (starts at 10am), plank ride, bike toss, weight pull and a night ride with Wolf Howl. Sunday gives a choice of an Enduro race over 45 km of tough trail, or a poker ride or tour (registration closes at 9:30am, ride starts at 10am). The route is a little different than last year. For 99 we start with the Poacher's Trail and conclude with the ultra-gnarly Normac. At the mid point the Black Creek Trail has been added. We haven't used it in the past, but a lot of work has been done on it this summer and it is in fine shape. The trails are in top condition right now. Haliburton is just hoping that the Hurricane Floyd stays the heck away from Ontario!!!

The Enduro has always attracted a number of top racers. Part of the reason for this is the incredible prizes. Top men and women can win $500 for first, $200 for second and $100 for third. Way better pay day than most races. Same cash for the top poker hand too. On top of that there's over $2500 of merchandise prizes too. If you want to do both days its $45, which includes entry to all of the events and 2 nights of camping. If you want to do just the Sunday ride it's $20. Check points have water and snacks for the exhausted. For event details go to and check out the Tours page. For camping info call Haliburton Forest at 705-754-2198. Hope to see you there. Mud puddle photos and results will be up on the W.O.W. website next Monday.

BC Championship - Sunpeaks Challenge
(courtesy Rodney Hsu)

Results can be found at : Ten36 Timing Homepage
BC Cup overall winners are:
Ruedi Schnyder (senior men).
Kiara Bisaro (senior women).
Bryan Moffat (junior men).

Lisa Colombo resigns from ABA

Lisa Colombo has tendered her resignation as Executive Director of the ABA, a position she has held for quite a few years (we actually can't remember how long, because she's always been there). Her last day will be September 30. She will take up a position with an Alberta Government program called "Board Development." ..... an opportunity to work with Alberta's not-for-profit community at the board level to improve governance.

Best of luck Lisa, and thanks for all your help over the years.

Mountain Bike Nationals on TV
(courtesy Peter Sudermann)

The 1999 Tim Hortons National MTB Championships will be on CTV SPortsnet on Sunday September 19th at 10pm EDT.

Birth Announcement

Lisa Davey (the CCA's Events/Marketing Coordinator) and Ian Dalling are thrilled to announce the birth of their son Evan William Dalling. Evan took his time coming, but finally decided to join the family on August 15, over 2 weeks late - but a happy and healthy 8 pounds. Lisa's doing great too.


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