Canadian Cyclist


August 13/10 21:44 pm - Race Organiser Required

Posted by Editoress on 08/13/10

With the recent great news about the Burnaby Velodrome Club hosting a UCI event in December things are looking great for Track racing in our facility.

A few months ago I sent out a call for a race organizer to become involved in promoting our other race week-ends. Through our agreement with BC Volleyball, we have at least 2 other week-ends a year to host events. One in November, one in May, and we can also host one in the summer.

Over the past few years we have had some very well run events and would like to keep that tradition going. The BVC has relied on volunteers to organize these events in the past, but consistency and a dedicated front person is something that we feel will move our other race events forward from here.

If you are interested in putting in a proposal for being that front person, please email the board back at

Scott Laliberte, BVC President


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