Canadian Cyclist


August 23/10 18:20 pm - BIXI Toronto Needs Your Support

Posted by Editor on 08/23/10

We are reaching out to Canadian Cyclist to alert Torontonians to the program and to inform them that we require 1,000 members by November 2010 for BIXI Toronto to launch next spring. Currently we are at approximately 440 members, and in a city of 3 million residents this is discouraging.

A one-year BIXI Toronto membership is only $95.00 (less than a monthly TTC metropass), and provides you with 12 months of unlimited access to 1,000 bicycles at 80 docking stations positioned every 300 meters throughout the downtown core. You can take a bike from any station and drop it off at any station. Join today online at: You may also sign-up over the phone via the BIXI Toronto Info Line: 1-877- 412-BIXI (2494).

Reasons for becoming a BIXI Toronto Member even if you already own a bike:

Security: You don't have travel with locks/cables or be concerned with the security of your personal bike. At BIXI Toronto docking stations you simply push the bike in and leave - taking far less time than it would to lock up your own bike.

Zero Maintenance: Spares you from the maintenance and accessory costs of using a personal bike.

Convenience: The BIXI Toronto system allows for one-way trips, or short trips during the day if you didn't bike to your current location. BIXI bikes also come with a sturdy front rack and rear lights which are activated while the bike is in motion.

Spontaneity: Promotes spontaneous cycling trips or cycling with those who don't have their bike with them or who don't own a bike. Makes cycling more accessible to those who would normally use the TTC or drive, reducing pollution and promoting a healthier lifestyle.

Please sign up today, and tell your friends about the program.


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