Canadian Cyclist


September 4/10 13:42 pm - MTB World Championships: Men's XC UPDATES

Posted by Editoress on 09/4/10

Welcome to our coverage of the Men's XC, the final cross country event of the 2010 championships in Mont-Ste-Anne Quebec


Our coverage of the 2010 World Championships  brought to you with the support of Shimano

There are 84 men starting and they will do 2 start loops and 6 full laps of the 4.8 km course


Geoff Kabush has appeared on the line with semi-shaved sideburns


Nino Schurter (Switzerland) is the defending champion and he will be under pressure by multi world champ Julien Absalon (France), last weeks World Cup winner Jaroslav Kulhavy (Czech Republic), José  Hermida  (Spain) who has won on this course before, and  Geoff Kabush (Canada) who was 3rd here at the World Cup in 2009


Start loop

HEading out it is Burry Stander (South Africa) leading out with Nino Schurter (Switzerland), Florian Vogel (Switzerland), Lukas Flückiger (Switzerland), Jaroslav Kulhavy (Czech Republic), Ralph Naef (Switzerland), Marco Aurelio Fontana (Italy)


Up the climb it is Kulhavy leading 2 Swiss


At the rock garden:  Kulhavy leading Schurter, Vogel, Marco Aurelio Fontana (Italy) and they all ride the rocks


Lukas Flückiger (Switzerland) crashed hard on his butt,  Stander , Ralph Näf (Switzerland), Maxime Marotte (France)


Most of the riders are running down the rocks


On the rocks for the 2nd time:  Schurter leading Kulhavy by 3 sec, Stander 3rd at 20 sec, Naf 4th at 23 sec, Fontana, Marotte and Absalon together, then José Hermida  (Spain), Sauser, Manuel Fumic (Germany)



Lap 1


As they head out onto the first full lap

Kulhavy leading Schurter by 1 sec, Stander 3rd at 14 sec, Naf 4th at 19 sec, Fontana, Marotte,


Kabush sitting 15th, Zandstra 37th, Plaxton 39th, Sam Schultz (USA) 41st, Gagne 42nd, Sneddon 50th,


And it has started to rain again



14:25 pm


Heading up the early climb and there are 2 leaders: Schurter and Kulhavy with a gap of 5 sec on Stander, Fontana, Naf


At the rock garden: Schurter with a gap of 5 sec on Kulhavy both riding the rocks.  the 3 chasers


Up the climb


Schurter leading Kulhavy,

The a group of 5: Fontana, Stander, Naf, Hermida, Absalon all together at 15 sec

Kabush 15th at 1:30 back


Lap 2


Starting the 2nd lap it is Kulhavy leading after a flat by Schurter, Naf 2nd at 8 sec, Fontana 3rd at 9 sec, Schurter 4th at 13 sec, Stander 5th at 14 sec, Hermida  6th at 17 sec, Absalon 7th at 21 sec


Kabush 14th at 1:40 back, Plaxton 35th, Zandstara 36th


2:40 pm


Kulhavy leading with a small gap on Schurter and Fontana as they head up the small climb and now they have been joined again by Stander, Hermida, Naf, then Absalon  is a few seconds back in 7th


Sauser has had a mechanical and so has Vogel


2:45 pm

At the ZigZag climb

Schurter has retaken the lead and has a 2 sec gap on Kulhavy.   then 10 sec to Fontana, Hermida, Stander.  another 8 sec to Naf, then 10 sec to Absalon


Kabush is 11th at 1:48 back with Moritz Milatz (Germany) on his wheel


Lap 3


As they start the  3rd lap:  Schurter leading with Kulhavy on his at 1 sec, Hermida 3rd at 4 sec, Stander 4th at  7 sec, Naf 5th at 26 sec, Absalon 6th at 38 sec


Kabush 11th at nearly 2 min back.  Zandstra 35th, Plaxton 36th, Gagne 41st, Sneddon 54th

Absalon and Fontana have both had flats




Schurter has had a flat


Now Kulhavy and Stander leading and Hermida  in 3rd on the climb

Schurter in 4th with Naf 5th and Absalon 6th



Stander is starting to gap Kulhavy on the descent.  Hermida 3rd at 10 sec. Schurter 4th, Absalon, Naf, Carlos Coloma Nicolas (Spain), Manuel Fumic (Germany), Ivan Alvarez Gutierrez (Spain), Florian Vogel (Switzerland)


Lap 4

Across the line to start the 4th lap. Stander leading Kulhavy. Hermida 3rd at 9 sec, Absalon 4th at 35 sec, Schurter 5th at s.t., Naf 6th at 49 sec, Coloma 7th, Fumic 8th, Kileen 9th, Gutierrez 10th, Kabush 11th

Schultz 29th, Zandstra 32nd, Plaxton 35th,


3:12 pm

Heading up the climb after the singletrack section

Hermida has caught the leaders and has taken the lead with Stander and Kulhavy following


Schurter 4th at 10 sec, Absalon 5th and Naf in 6th


Fumic has had a flat,


At the ZigZag Climb


Hermida leading, Stander 2nd and Kulhavy 3rd,   Schurter 4th at 25 sec. Absalon is at 45 sec back


Kabush is now 9th


3:20 pm

Hermida has a gap of 8 sec on Stander and Kulhavy


Lap 5

Startiing the 5th lap


Hermida leading, with Stander at 8 sec and Kulhavy at 9 sec.  Schurter 4th at 37 sec, Absalon 5th at 1: 02 back, Coloma 6th, Naf 7th,  Killeen 8th, Kabush 9th,

Todd Wells (USA) 17th, Schultz 27th, Zandstra 33rd, Plaxton 37th, Gagne 41st



3:28 pm


Starting up the climb again and Kulhavy has dropped Stander and is chasing Hermida and closing the gap, Stander looks like he has run outta gas

 Kabush has passed Naf and will now be in 7th or 8th




At the ZigZag climb: Hermida with Kulhavy on his wheel.  Stander 3rd at 15 sec.  Schurter 4th at 25 sec.   Absalon 5tgh


Last Lap


Hermida leading Kulhavy by 3 sec, Stander at 22 sec, Schurter at 51 sec, Absalon at 1:30, Killeen 6th at 2:20, Coloma 7th, Kabush 8th almost 3 min

Wells 17th


3:45 pm

Hermida leading Kulhavy   by  12 sec as they start up the climb.  Stander holding onto 3rd, but drifting back


3:49 pm

At the ZigZag climb

Hermida leading Kurchat by 15 sec.  Stander at 58 sec. Schurter at 1:37.





1 José Antonio Hermida Ramos (Spain), 1:52:26

2 Jaroslav Kulhavy (Czech Republic), at 0:29

3 Burry Stander (South Africa), 1:10

4 Nino Schurter (Switzerland), 2:03

5 Julien Absalon (France), 2:23

6 Carlos Coloma Nicolas (Spain) 2:23

7 Liam Killeen (Great Britain) 2:51

8 Geoff Kabush (Canada) 3:58











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