Canadian Cyclist


September 17/10 8:15 am - Burlington to Host Ontario Cycling Conference

Posted by Editoress on 09/17/10

Ontario Bike Summit Will Highlight Latest Innovations in Cycling Infrastructure, Design, Legislative Enhancements

The Share the Road Cycling Coalition (SRCC) an Ontario-based non-profit organization which promotes bicycling as a mode of transportation, recreation and fitness through provincial advocacy is hosting the 2nd Ontario Bike Summit in Burlington September 20-21st.

The Summit brings Ontarians from municipalities across the province -- Mayors, Councilors, planners, engineers, law enforcement, bicycle retailers, public health officials and cycling advocates – together with speakers from across Canada and the United States to discuss ways in which to make Ontario’s communities and our province more bicycle friendly.

"The Ontario Bike Summit is an opportunity for all of us in Ontario who are working at creating bicycle friendly communities to share innovative strategies and to learn about the latest in cycling infrastructure and initiatives. Through our research and outreach we know that municipalities are looking for tools on how to become more bicycle friendly. The Ontario Bike Summit will give them those tools so they can return home inspired and enriched," said Eleanor McMahon, CEO of the Share the Road Cycling Coalition.

"At the Summit we will also have the chance to learn from the success of cities like Portland, Oregon – ranked as a Platinum Bicycle Friendly Community by the League of American Bicyclists (2009), by Bicycling Magazine (2006) as the "Best Cycling City in America" and sixth on CNN/Money Magazine’s "100 Best Places to Live and Launch" list (and its highest ranking large city) – based on cities with the best mix of business advantages and lifestyle appeal," McMahon added.

"Closer to home we will hear from provincial politicians about their vision for a Bicycle Friendly Ontario. Transportation Minster Kathleen Wynne – one of the Summit’s keynote speakers – will update attendees on the government’s progress in creating an Ontario Bicycle Policy, and its plans for promoting cycling in Ontario," McMahon added.

Progressive Conservative Party MPP and Transportation and Infrastructure Critic Frank Klees, New Democratic Party Critic for Transit Cheri DiNovo (the MPP who tabled the 3’/1 meter passing law in the legislature in May), and Ontario Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner will also address delegates in a question and answer session.

"The presence of each of Ontario’s political parties is a sign that bicycling has arrived on the political agenda. With an election next year, provincial politicians are eager to share their party’s vision and seek input in a policy area which: contributes to climate change and congestion mitigation; is increasingly viewed as a low-cost transportation alternative with significant health benefits; and tourism initiative with economic development potential," McMahon added.

About The Share the Road Cycling Coalition
The Share the Road Cycling Coalition was created to unite cycling organizations from across Ontario and works with and on behalf of municipalities to enhance their ability to make their communities more bicycle-friendly. The organization’s mandate is province-wide with a specific focus on developing public policy at the provincial level in order to provide the kind of legislative, programmatic and funding instruments such as exist in other Canadian provinces notably Quebec and British Columbia. With cycling a burgeoning mode of transportation across the globe, and communities looking to enhance the health and well being of their citizens, the Coalition is developing partnerships with like-minded stakeholders across Ontario and has focused on developing partnerships geared to building a Bicycle Friendly Ontario.

The organization was created by Founder and CEO Eleanor McMahon in memory of her husband OPP Sergeant Greg Stobbart killed in a cycling collision in June 2006, as an organization focused on making Ontario safer for cyclists.

For more information on the Ontario Bike Summit and the Share the Road Cycling Coalition:

Press release


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